Daily Devotional for May 25, 2020

Price of Freedom

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Price of Freedom

Today's Verse


Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

On Memorial Day, Tyler glanced around the cemetery. “Look at all the flags waving in the breeze,” he said, handing Dad the pots of flowers they had brought.

“Dad, why do only some of the graves have flags flying beside them?” Nicole asked. She pointed to a special section of the cemetery. “All those over there have them.”

“Those are graves of men and women who served in our country’s armed forces. Many of them gave their lives to protect our freedom,” Dad explained. “Some towns have special services and parades to honor them.”

“They paid a big price to keep us free, didn’t they?” Tyler asked thoughtfully.

“Yes, they certainly did,” said Dad, placing the flowers on his parents’ graves. As they turned to leave, he added, “Someone else paid an even greater price for our freedom.”

“A greater price than dying?” asked Nicole. “Who did that?”

“I know who it was! Jesus,” said Tyler. “Right, Dad?”

Dad nodded. “When Jesus died on the cross for us, He bore not only the pain of physical death, but also the punishment for our sin. That’s a price that’s really beyond our understanding. Jesus did that because He loves us. If we trust in Him, we don’t have to suffer the punishment we deserve.”

“But there’s no grave to decorate for Him,” observed Nicole.

“That’s because He rose again,” Tyler said. “He’s alive in heaven!”

“Yes, He is,” Dad replied with a smile. “When the price for sin was fully paid, Jesus rose from the dead, so there’s no grave to decorate for Him. There is a special way we remember His sacrifice though.”

“There is?” asked Tyler. “What is it?”

“The communion service at church,” said Dad. “It’s a way of remembering Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and it also shows that we’re looking forward to His return. When He comes back, He’ll rid the world of sin and death, and those who know Him will live with Him forever.”

“There won’t be any graves to decorate then!” said Nicole.

“No, there won’t,” said Dad, “because Jesus will raise Christians who have died back to life! Until then, we need to remember the great sacrifice He made to save us.”


How about you?

Does your church hold communion services? When you have such a service, take a moment to thank Jesus for the sacrifice He made so you could be saved and not have to suffer the punishment for your sin. Thank Him for loving you so much. Remember that He’s alive and will someday come back, and all those who trust in Him will live with Him forever.

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