Daily Devotional for April 21, 2021
Pretty, but Sharp
Eve stood in front of the mirror and carefully arranged her hair. Then she
stepped back to see how her clothes looked. It was picture day at school, and Eve wanted the picture to be perfect.
“You look so pretty,” said her little sister. “What can I wear to look pretty too?”
“I don’t have time to help you,” said Eve crossly. “I still have to find a necklace to go with this shirt.”
Kelly looked disappointed. “Can I borrow a necklace?” she asked.
Eve shook her head. “No way! You’d lose it.”
Kelly’s eyes filled with tears. “No, I wouldn’t. I’ll be careful!”
“I don’t have time for this,” Eve snapped. “Quit pestering me, Kelly!”
When Eve went to the kitchen, she saw a vase of flowers on the table. “Oh—roses!” she exclaimed. “Where did they come from?”
“Mrs. Green just brought them over,” said Mom. “They’re from her rose garden. They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”
“They sure are!” But when Eve reached for a flower, she pricked her finger on a sharp thorn. “Ouch!” she cried as a bright drop of blood appeared on her finger. “The roses are pretty, but the thorns are sharp,” she complained as she held a tissue to the sore spot.
“Pretty, but sharp,” Mom said thoughtfully. “That describes how people can be sometimes. Actually…I’m thinking of you, honey.”
“Me?” asked Eve in surprise. “Why me?”
“Like the roses, you look very pretty this morning. But I overheard you talking to your sister, and you were very sharp with her. Would you want someone to talk to you that way?”
“I…I guess not,” Eve answered slowly.
Mom nodded. “The Holy Spirit gives us the qualities we need to show others the love of Jesus. When you trust Him to help you treat others the way He would, you’ll display the beauty of His love in your words and actions—not sharp thorns.”
Eve sighed. “You’re right,” she admitted. “I wasn’t very nice. I’ll go tell Kelly I’m sorry.”
“Good,” Mom said. “Maybe you could still help her decide what to wear. I made a suggestion, but I think she really values the opinion of her big sister.”
(Karen E. Cogan)
How about you?
What do you think about more often—your looks or your actions? It’s good to want to look your best, but it’s even more important to be Christ-like in your actions. Today’s Bible reading lists the “fruit of the Spirit”—characteristics God gives us so we can show others His love. When you use them in your words and actions, others will see His beauty in the way you treat them.
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