Daily Devotional for April 14, 2020
Praying for Answers

Sophia used to come home from school to cookies on the table and a big hug from her mom. She used to sit down and tell her mom all about her day as she ate the warm, gooey treats.
But for the past several months, she’d come home to a quiet house and no cookies. She would walk through the house until she found her mom either lying in her bed or seated on the couch with a blank expression on her face.
Sophia didn’t know what was wrong, but something had changed. Her mom wasn’t the person she used to be.
“Where’s Mom?” Sophia asked one day when she came home from school to find her dad in the living room and her mom nowhere in sight.
Dad rubbed a hand down his face, his eyes tired. “She’s at the hospital.”
“Why?” Sophia asked.
“She needs help,” Dad said.
Tears filled Sophia’s eyes. “Is she okay?”
Dad sighed. “I’m praying she will be.”
“What if your prayers don’t work?” Sophia asked, clenching her fists. “What if she’s not okay?”
Dad frowned. “The doctors are going to help her as best they can, and we’re going to have to trust God to take care of her. God always hears our prayers, but He may answer them in a different way than we want.”
“I just want Mom back.” Sophia sat down on the couch and pulled her knees up to her chest.
“Me too.” Dad sat down beside her and gave her a hug. “But she needs help. I think you know that.”
Sophia swallowed hard and leaned into her dad. “I really hope God answers our prayers like we want Him to.”
“So do I,” Dad said. “But we need to trust Him no matter what. We need to remember that Jesus died for our sin and the brokenness it causes. He will be with us no matter what happens, and He will make Mom well again one day, even if it’s not as soon as we want.”
A tear ran down Sophia’s face, and she didn’t brush it away. Please, Jesus, she prayed. Please answer our prayers and help us to trust You. BETHANY ACKER
How about you?
Are you or someone you love going through a difficult time right now? Do you keep praying, wondering if God will answer? He hears each one of our prayers, but that doesn’t mean He always answers the way we want Him to. Remember how much Jesus loves you and His promise to be with you in hard times. Trust Him to answer your prayer in the way He knows is best.
Today's Verse
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