Daily Devotional for July 2, 2019
Playing Christian

“I am the king!” four-year-old Bryce said majestically, putting on the glittery cardboard crown he’d just made. He took his mother’s broken wooden spoon for his scepter and climbed into Dad’s big leather chair. “Now you have to do whatever I say, Caden,” he told his foster brother.
Caden laughed, then bowed dramatically. “Great sir, I am your humble servant,” he said solemnly. For a few minutes Caden let Bryce boss him around, then he said, “Well, enough of this, kiddo. I’ve got homework to do, so I’d better get busy.”
“But you have to obey me,” Bryce insisted. “I’m the king!”
“Oh yeah?” Caden swooped Bryce up from Dad’s chair and tickled him.
“That’s not how you treat a king!” Bryce said, giggling. He broke away and scampered off.
“Bryce’s game reminds me of our conversation yesterday,” said Mom, who was sitting on the couch with her laptop.
Caden grabbed his backpack and plopped down next to Mom. “Which conversation is that?”
“The one where you said you didn’t see any need to give your life to Jesus.”
Caden shrugged. “I’ve been going to church every week with you guys, and I haven’t been getting into trouble like I used to before I came to live here. My social worker even told me she’s proud of how much better I’ve been acting. Isn’t that good?”
“Yes, of course it is,” said Mom. “But doing good things doesn’t make you a Christian. You have to trust in Jesus to really be one. Otherwise, you’re just like Bryce. He said he was the king, and he went through what he considered to be kingly motions. But did it really make him a king?”
“No,” replied Caden, frowning. “He was just playing.”
“And it’s possible for someone to play Christian without really being one,” Mom said. “Only Jesus can save us from our sin and make us new people. We can’t make up for the wrong things we’ve done ourselves. That’s why we need to trust in Him—so we can be forgiven and start a new life.”
“I guess I never thought about it that way before,” Caden said. “Maybe you’d better tell me more.” Jessica Dorfsmith
How about you?
Are you a real Christian, or are you just playing? Going to church and doing good deeds won’t save you. The only way to truly become a Christian is to trust in Jesus and accept His gift of salvation. So examine your heart—are you trusting Jesus? If not, become a real Christian by trusting in Him today. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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