Daily Devotional for June 11, 2024
Persistent Coco

“Coco, not now, I’m busy,” Laney said as she turned a page in her book.
But Laney’s chocolate-colored cat continued to scratch on the door, wanting to go outside. Coco loved to chase the birds and butterflies and lounge on the porch swing, and she wouldn’t stop scratching until someone let her out.
“Coco, I’ve got to say, you sure are persistent, and it usually works,” Laney said when she finally got up to open the door.
Coco darted outside and jumped up onto the porch swing. Laney laughed and sat down beside her to continue reading.
“Are you enjoying your book?” asked Mom a little later when they were having lunch. “When do you have to turn in your book report?”
“The book report is due on Tuesday, and the book is pretty good. Coco had a great idea for a reading spot too—we both ended up on the porch swing when Coco wouldn’t stop scratching on the door to go outside. I guess her persistence paid off for both of us!”
Mom smiled. “That makes me think of a story in the Bible.” She took her Bible from the shelf and read a few verses that talked about how praying was like asking a friend for bread over and over until it’s given to you.
“Jesus was teaching the disciples how to pray and wanted to show them the importance of being persistent,” Mom explained. “We need to be persistent in prayer. God wants us to keep on asking and expecting Him to answer. He loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us, and He wants us to come to Him with our wants, needs, and concerns. Coco was persistent until she got what she needed—or should I say wanted—and that’s the kind of persistence we need to have when we pray, knowing that God hears us and will always answer with what is best.”
“The next time Coco keeps scratching at the door, I’ll remember that’s how God wants me to come to Him with my needs and concerns,” Laney said as she helped her mom clear the table. When they finished, Laney grabbed her book. “Come on, Coco. Let’s go on out to the porch swing.”
–Lisa Fuller
How about you?
Have you ever wondered why prayer is important? Prayer is a way to get to know God better. As we communicate our wants, needs, and concerns to Him, He gives us His peace and helps us learn to trust Him. He wants us to boldly bring our requests to Him in prayer again and again, knowing that He will answer—even if it’s in a different way than we’re asking. Pray persistently, and trust God to answer in the way He knows is best.
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