Daily Devotional for August 23, 2018
Passing Tests

“I’ll probably fail our math test today,” Caden told Tegan as they walked to school. “I’m really bad at multiplication.”
“Yeah, me too,” said Tegan, “but I’m not going to fail. Want to know why?” She slid a card from under the cuff of her sleeve. “See? The multiplication tables are all right here!” She grinned. “I’ve got an extra card. Want it?” She pulled a card from her pocket and offered it to Caden.
“That’s cheating,” Caden said.
“What’s worse, cheating or failing?” asked Tegan.
Caden took the card and looked at it. It would be so easy to cheat! he thought. My desk is near the back of the room, and Mr. Collins hardly ever walks around when we have a test. But… “I’m not going to do it,” he said, handing the card back to Tegan. “I don’t think you should either. It’s not right.”
“You are dumb,” Tegan replied, “and not just in math!”
During the math test, Caden struggled through the problems without looking around. He didn’t want to see Tegan cheat.
At the end of the day, Caden hurried home. “How was school today?” his mother asked.
“Okay,” Caden replied, “but I don’t know if I passed my math test. I hope so!”
“Well, if you studied and did your best, don’t worry about it,” said Mom. “Did anything good happen today?”
“Well…” Caden hesitated. “This is gonna sound weird, but I actually felt good about taking the test. I had a chance to cheat, but I didn’t. I knew it’d be wrong and that Jesus wouldn’t want me to do it. So I decided to trust Him with my test and do the right thing.”
“Good for you!” Mom said. “No matter what grade you get on your math test, you definitely passed one test today. You were tempted to do something wrong, but you didn’t. That kind of test is really hard to pass sometimes. Jesus faced tests like that when He was on earth, and He passed every single one. We can pass them too when we depend on Him to help us not give in to temptation—and even when we do give in, He’ll always forgive us.”
Caden grinned. “I’ll remember that tomorrow when I take my history test!” – Douglas G. De Vries
How about you?
Do people sometimes encourage you to do things that are wrong? It can be hard to resist, especially when others make fun of you for it. But you don’t have to give in. Jesus always passed tests of temptation, and He’ll help you pass them too. Even if you give in, you can always go to Him for forgiveness. Trust Him to give you the wisdom and courage to do what is right.
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