Daily Devotional for October 30, 2021
Over and Over

“Simon!” Mom called. “Come in and do your lesson for Bible club. You’ve been working with King for almost an hour!”
“But, Mom, if I don’t train King every chance I get, he won’t be ready for the dog show next week,” Simon replied. “Besides, I already looked at my lesson. It’s just the story about Daniel and the lions. I don’t need to study that. I’ve already heard it a million times!”
“I don’t think it’s been quite that many,” Mom said. “Just come and do it. You may surprise yourself and learn something new.”
“I doubt that!” Simon grumbled to himself as he went in and plopped down at the table with his Bible and lesson book. Five minutes later, he was out the door. “I’m done, Mom! I’ll be working with King!”
That evening, Simon couldn’t stop talking about his dog and how well he was learning. “Ever since King was just a little puppy, I’ve taught him to obey by making him do things over and over until he got them right.”
“Yes, I know,” said Mom. “You’re so patient with him, and I can tell he’s learning to trust you and wants to obey you.” She smiled at Simon. “Like King, you’ve been taught many things since you were very young—lessons from the Bible about who God is and how much He loves you. And like King, you need to hear those lessons more than once in order for them to soak in. Each time I hear a Bible story, I learn something new from it—a truth about God I never realized before. And the more I learn about Jesus and His love for me, the more I want to trust and obey Him. Hearing about God’s love and faithfulness in the Bible over and over can help us grow in our relationship with Him.”
“So you’re saying it doesn’t really matter if I have the same lesson lots of times?” asked Simon.
“You give King the same lessons day after day,” Mom pointed out.
Simon nodded thoughtfully. “I did my Bible lesson pretty fast this afternoon,” he said. “I should probably go over it again.” He scratched his dog’s head. “You can help me, King. Come!” King faithfully followed Simon to his room.
-Deborah S. Marett
How about you?
Do you get tired of hearing the same Bible stories over and over? Each story in the Bible contains truth about God and His infinite love and faithfulness. That means each time you hear the same story, you can learn something new. The next time you hear a familiar story, think about what it says about Jesus and His love for you. How does it remind you to trust and obey Him?
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