Daily Devotional for February 4, 2021
Ordinary Amy

“Hey, Amy, wait up!”
Amy quickly stuffed the test she was looking at into her backpack as her friend Caley came running up to her.
“How did it go today?” Caley asked.
Amy shrugged. “Okay, I guess.”
“Doesn’t sound okay to me,” Caley said. “What’s going on?”
Amy hesitated, then slowly unzipped her backpack. She handed her test to her friend.
“A C isn’t bad.” Caley gave the paper back to Amy.
Amy stared at the grade, then shook her head. “I studied so hard. I just can’t ever get an A or a B. Only ordinary, average Cs.” Amy sighed. “And I messed up in soccer again. I’m just ordinary Amy.”
Caley stopped walking. “You’re not ordinary. You’re very special.”
Amy smiled. “You’re my best friend. Of course you’d say that.”
“I’m not the only one who thinks you’re special,” Caley said.
“Yeah right.” Amy resumed walking. “Who else believes that?”
Caley pointed to the sky. “God does.”
Amy shook her head. “You’re kidding me, right?”
“Nope. My mom told me that God made each one of us. And because He made us, we are special in His eyes.”
“I don’t feel special.” Amy’s lip quivered.
Caley put her arm around Amy’s shoulders. “My mom said being special to God doesn’t depend on how we feel or what we do.”
“Then what does it depend on?” Amy wrinkled her nose in confusion.
“It all depends on God. Our being special actually isn’t about us at all. It’s about Jesus, God’s Son, and how He died and rose again to save us. He loves us that much,” Caley said. “Isn’t that cool?”
Amy thought for a minute. “So whether I make a C or an A, it doesn’t matter to God? I’m still special to Him just because He made me and died for me?”
“Yep,” Caley said.
“Wow.” Amy grinned. “You’re right, that is cool!”
Caley nodded. “Why don’t you ask your mom if you can come over to my house?”
“Okay,” said Amy. “But I have another test tomorrow, so I can’t stay long. Even though I’m already special, I’d really like to get a B on this one!” • Nancy Todd
How about you?
How do you feel about yourself? Do you feel ordinary—or special? No matter how you feel, you are special to God. He sent His Son to die for your sins so you could live with Him forever! You are definitely special—not because of anything you have done, but because of what Jesus has done for you. He created you. He saved you. He loves you. Thank God for making you special.
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