Daily Devotional for June 1, 2019
Open the Door

“I have to draw a flower for art class this weekend,” Kezi told her mom. “I
think I’ll go draw one of the purple ones growing on the other side of Mr. Preston’s fence.” Mr. Preston was a neighbor the family knew well who had a small farm down the road.
“Okay,” said Mom. “But make sure you latch the gate when you’re done. Mr. Preston doesn’t want Annabelle getting out.” Annabelle was Mr. Preston’s rambunctious goat.
Kezi nodded, got a pad and pencil, and went outside. She opened the gate to Mr. Preston’s yard, sat down next to a clump of purple flowers, and began sketching. Once she was satisfied with her drawing, she walked back out the gate and returned home.
Sometime later, Kezi looked out her window and saw Annabelle running across the road. Oh no! she thought. I forgot to make sure Mr. Preston’s gate was tightly latched! That silly goat probably butted her head against it and got out.
Kezi was about to run outside after the goat, but just then she saw Mr. Preston walk up to the house. He rang the bell several times. Kezi darted back into her room. Mom must be in the backyard working in the garden, she thought with relief. She’s not answering the door. Kezi peeked out the window and saw Mr. Preston turn to leave. But then her dad’s car pulled into the driveway. He and Mr. Preston talked a few minutes, and then Mr. Preston returned home.
Soon Kezi was ringing Mr. Preston’s doorbell—Dad had sent her right over to apologize.
Back home, Kezi told her parents what had happened. “Mr. Preston had already gotten Annabelle back by the time I got there—he saw her running by and held out her favorite treat, carrots. He said if I had opened the door and apologized when he came over, he would have forgiven me right away.” Kezi smiled. “That sounds a lot like what Jesus does for us. Jesus wants to forgive people, but first they must see their need for Him and invite Him into their lives.”
“That’s right,” said Dad. “There’s a Bible verse about that—‘Here I am!’ Jesus says, ‘I stand at the door and knock.’” •Agnes G. Livezey
How about you?
Have you invited Jesus into your life? Have you admitted that you’re a sinner and need His forgiveness? Or are you trying to hide your sin? Jesus knows all about it, and He wants to forgive you. But first you must admit you’re a sinner and trust in Him.
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