Daily Devotional for October 16, 2018

One Turn at a Time

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
One Turn at a Time

Today's Verse

Matthew 6:25-34 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“Mrs. Melton sure is going to like the dinner we’re taking to her,” Kimone said, buckling her seat belt and peeking at the rolls under the bread cloth.

Mom smiled. “I think so too. Her hands must be full with the new baby.”

Kimone put both hands firmly on the warm bowl of rolls. “Mom, will I have a baby when I grow up?”

“I don’t know, honey,” Mom replied. “Only God knows that.”

“But I want to know. I want Him to tell me now.” Kimone stared glumly out the window as they approached a stop sign.

“Turn right at the next intersection,” said a voice on Mom’s phone, and Mom did as instructed.

“Didn’t we pass the library the last time we drove to the Meltons’?” Kimone asked, twisting in her seat to look back at the intersection. “Is the map on your phone wrong?”

“No. It knows where it’s taking us,” Mom assured her. “The Meltons moved to a new house last month, remember?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot.” Kimone leaned back. “We were always getting lost before you got a smartphone. It tells you each direction just when you need it.”

Mom nodded. “It’s a little like what God does. He directs each turn in our lives—just one turn at a time.”

“But I don’t hear Him giving directions,” said Kimone. “Do you mean through the Bible?”

“Yes, often through the Bible,” Mom replied. “And sometimes He uses other things to point us in the right direction. Like…a phone call telling us someone is in the hospital might also tell us to pray for that person or go visit them.”

“Turn left now,” the voice broke in.

“When I’m driving, I don’t need to know all the turns right away. All I need is the next turn,” said Mom. “We don’t need to know all the turns in life either. We just need to remember that God is in control of our lives and will reveal each next turn in His perfect time.”

Kimone grinned as the car wheels crunched on a gravel driveway. “I think I know my next turn—taking these rolls in to Mrs. Melton!” – Laura Raborn

How about you?

Do you wonder what kind of job you’ll have when you grow up? Or where you’ll live? Or who your friends will be? God knows every detail of your future, but you don’t have to know it all now. What direction does He have for you today? Is it to help out at church, or to be there for a friend in need? Trust Him to show the turns you should take, one by one.

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