Daily Devotional for March 3, 2023
One Step at a Time

Elora watched her big sister leave the house. “Why can’t I go to the library with Maya?” she asked. “I’ll look at books while she studies.”
“Elora,” Mom said patiently, “it’s almost your bedtime, and Maya will be gone a couple of hours.”
“But it’s not fair! I want to go with her!”
“But you’re eight years old,” said Mom. “Maya is in high school. When you’re her age, you’ll be able to do more things.”
Elora frowned, but she turned back to her book. A short time later, Mom got up from the couch. “Bedtime,” she said.
As Elora got up, she began complaining again. “Maya has her own phone and laptop, and she gets to go places whenever she wants.”
Mom stopped at the foot of the stairs. “Elora, when you were a baby, you went up these stairs very carefully on your hands and knees. Later, you held onto my hand very tightly so I could help you. Do you remember that?”
Elora laughed and shook her head. “No, but the little kids at church do that. They’re so cute.”
“Now you’re much bigger,” Mom continued, “and you walk up the stairs. You’re physically able to do so much more now than you could when you were a baby. That’s the way God intends it to be. And that’s the way He intends you to grow in other areas too. Gradually, you’ll be able to do more and more things.”
“Like Maya does, you mean?” asked Elora.
Mom nodded. “Yes—but look at all you do already! Last week, you stayed overnight at your friend Carmen’s house. You ride your bike in the street now. You walk to the school bus with the neighborhood kids. You couldn’t do those things when you were two, could you?” Elora shook her head. “God made us in a way that doesn’t require us to learn everything at once,” said Mom. “We just have to take one step at a time. Even Jesus had to do that when He became human! He had to grow up just like us. Trust Him to help you be patient as you wait to be able to do all the things Maya can do. Then focus on enjoying the things you can do now!
-Dean Kelley
How about you?
Do you wish you could be older than you are now? Remember that God has a time for everything. Even Jesus had to learn and grow as a baby and then a boy before He became a man. Trust Him to help you be patient and to teach you what He wants you to learn at this stage of your life. Instead of focusing on what you can’t do yet, enjoy the things He has for you at the age you are now.
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