Daily Devotional for August 10, 2018
One Step at a Time

Gracyn burst into tears after she and her mom discussed a lie she had told earlier in the day. “I can’t do it!” she said. “I just keep sinning even though I know Jesus—I’ll never get it!”
Mom gave Gracyn a hug. “You don’t have to get anything, sweetheart. Jesus already did. He died for your sins, and they are not who you are anymore.”
“But Mom, I’m just awful,” Gracyn said. “I’ll never be able to obey Him like I’m supposed to!”
Just then Harper, Gracyn’s little sister, walked over and handed Mom a toy. As Harper toddled off, Mom said, “Do you remember what it was like when Harper was first learning to walk?”
A little smile broke through Gracyn’s tears. “Yeah. She fell all the time at first.”
“That’s right,” said Mom. “She couldn’t walk the very first time she tried, could she?”
Gracyn shook her head. “She couldn’t even stand at first. But when she lost her balance and fell flat on her bottom, she cried and we all ran to help her.”
“Yes, and after many tries, Harper kept her balance,” said Mom. “Then she took her first step, and then more steps. It was one step at a time, but now she can get most anywhere she wants to go. That’s the way it was when you were learning to walk too. That’s the way we all learned to walk.”
“Okay, but what does this have to do with me lying?” Gracyn asked.
“Well, knowing Jesus is a walk too—one where we fall down a lot. But He’ll always forgive us and help us get back up. None of us will be able to walk perfectly until we see Him face-to-face in heaven someday, but little by little, He’s helping us learn to say no to sin and walk more closely with Him.”
“So I just keep walking?” Gracyn asked.
Mom nodded. “Remember that He’s walking right beside you and is helping you grow to be more like Him.” She smiled. “Just trust Him one step at a time, knowing that one day He’ll finish the work He’s started in all of us, and our struggle with sin will be over.” – Jacqueline B. Stevanus
How about you?
Are you struggling with sin in your life? When you first trusted in Jesus, He started working in your heart, and He promises to finish that work. Learning to walk with Him isn’t always easy, but He’ll always be at your side, ready to forgive you and help you back up when you fall. Trust Him to help you grow in your walk with Him and finish the good work He’s started in you.
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