Daily Devotional for December 11, 2021
One Day with Chirpie

“Isn’t he pretty, Tanner?” Maya asked her older brother as she held a yellow and black goldfinch in her cupped hands. “I’m going to keep him.”
Tanner looked doubtful. “He didn’t even try to fly away when we got near him. I think he’s sick.”
“No, he’s not!” said Maya. “I know Mom will let me keep him in the old bird cage. I’m going to call him Chirpie.”
As they hurried home, Tanner was certain something was wrong with the small bird, but Maya insisted God had given her Chirpie as a present. “Can I please keep him, Mom?” she pleaded when she showed the bird to her mother.
“He’s a beautiful bird, but he doesn’t look very strong. I’m afraid Tanner may be right,” Mom said softly, trying to help Maya understand.
“But I can pray, and God will make Chirpie better,” Maya insisted.
“God can make him better, Maya,” Mom agreed. “But He may not. If you keep Chirpie, you have to remember you might only have him a short time because he might die.”
Maya looked doubtful. “Then why did God give him to me, Mom?”
“Every moment we have to love and care for others—including animals—is a gift from Jesus,” Mom said. “Maybe He needs someone—like you—with a big heart to love this little bird and take care of him while he’s sick. Maybe He wants to use Chirpie to help you understand how much more He loves and cares for you.” She paused for a moment. “Okay, Maya, I’ll let you keep Chirpie, but you must understand it may only be for a short time.”
Maya nodded. “Okay. But I’m still going to ask God to let Chirpie get well.”
The next morning, Chirpie lay dead in his cage. “Mom, it looks like God gave me Chirpie for only one day,” Maya said with tears in her eyes. “It hurts that he died, but I’m glad God let me take care of him the last day he was alive.” Maya wiped away the tears.
Mom hugged Maya. “I know it hurts, but I’m thankful you were able to love and care for Chirpie in the short time you had with him. We need to appreciate every moment God gives us—even if it’s just one day.”
-Mary Ellen Cowling
How about you?
Have you had a pet that died? Or has a friend or someone in your family died? Did you thank God for the time you were able to spend with that pet or person? God has a timetable for every life. Thank Him for each day and every moment He gives you to spend with those you love. Use that time well, knowing it’s a gift from Him.
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