Daily Devotional for June 7, 2017
On Track

Daniel was working on his electric train set when Dad joined him in the basement. “How’s the train project coming along?” he asked.
“Good!” said Daniel. “It’s almost ready to run.”
“All right!” said Dad. “And how was school today?”
Daniel frowned. “I got in trouble for coming in late from recess again,” he said, “and Miss Cooley gave me extra math homework because I didn’t do the homework she assigned yesterday.” He sighed. “Everyone’s always on my case—I wish I could just do whatever I wanted, like you and Mom. It’s like nobody wants me to have any fun!”
“Hmm,” said Dad. “Well, Daniel, let’s see how your train runs.” He reached over and pressed the start button, and the train began moving.
“Wait! What are you doing? I don’t have all the tracks down yet!” exclaimed Daniel. “It’s gonna crash!” As he spoke, the train rounded the turn and rolled off the track, falling on its side. Daniel sighed. “I knew that would happen.”
“So the train needs the tracks,” said Dad. “Otherwise it doesn’t get where it’s supposed to go, right?”
Daniel nodded. “Yeah.”
“Well, God’s path for our lives is like those tracks,” said Dad. “When we patiently depend on Jesus to lead us down life’s path and trust Him to shape us into who He wants us to be, things go more smoothly. But when we insist on having our own way by doing things like disobeying the people He put in our lives to help us learn, we get off track and make a mess of things.” Dad picked up the train and set it back on the track. “It may seem to you like Mom and I do whatever we want because we’re adults, but nothing is further from the truth. We’re just farther down our life track than you, and we have already learned many of the things Jesus is still teaching you—like responsibility. We’re still depending on Jesus to guide us and shape us into who He wants us to be, just like you.”
“Okay, Dad,” Daniel said as he put another piece of the track in place. “I’ll depend on Jesus to keep me on track.” – Michael R. Chapman
How about you?
Do you get tired of people telling you what to do? Do you ever wish you could do whatever you wanted? Don’t get off track! Jesus is leading you down the path that will shape you into the person He wants you to be, and He has placed people in your life to help teach you what you need to learn. Obey them, and trust Jesus to be with you every step of the way.
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