Daily Devotional for January 22, 2023
Old and New

When the bell rang, Quinn was happy the school day was over. “See you tomorrow,” she called to several friends as she hopped on her bike. As she pedaled along, she thought about her day and what she’d do later that evening. Almost before she knew it, she reached the house where she had spent most of her eleven years.
As Quinn started to turn into the driveway, she looked up at the house. Whoa! Wait a minute! she thought. I don’t live here anymore! Without even thinking about it, I just rode my bike here like I used to. Quinn quickly turned and headed in another direction. I wonder if the neighbors noticed, she thought, giggling out loud. She soon arrived at her new home.
“Guess what I just did,” Quinn said when she walked in. She told her mom about riding to their former house. “Isn’t that weird? It’s not like I forgot our new house—I actually expected to see it when I looked up. I guess I rode to our old house so often that it became a habit and I went there automatically, without thinking.”
Mom laughed. “I guess you proved the saying ‘old habits die hard’ is true. You slipped back into an old habit, but as you keep coming to this house, you’ll form a new habit. This place will soon become as familiar as the old one.”
That evening when Dad heard about Quinn’s experience, he grinned. “It’s easy to go to familiar places.” He paused, then said, “In more ways than one.”
“What other ways?” asked Quinn. “What other silly things do you think I might do?”
“I was just thinking that Christians sometimes find it easy to slip back into old habits—things we used to do before we knew Jesus and He changed us and made us new,” Dad explained. “One of the best ways to get rid of old, bad habits is to develop new ones that reflect the new life we have in Jesus. As we learn more about Him and who He’s made us to be, He helps us form new habits.”
“So that’s one reason we need to go to church and read the Bible, right?” asked Quinn. “Those are ways Jesus helps us learn more about Him and develop good habits.”
-Ann La Combe
How about you?
Are there old habits you need to break? Do you sometimes say or do things that don’t agree with the new life Jesus has given you? The best way to get rid of old habits is to make new ones. God will help you do that as you go to church, read your Bible, pray, and spend time with Christian friends. Trust Him to help you replace old, sinful habits with new ones that reflect His goodness and love.
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