Daily Devotional for September 14, 2017

Now You Know

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Now You Know

Today's Verse

1 Samuel 3:4-11; Psalm 103:13-14 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

When the school bell rang, Jamal tossed his bag over his shoulder and headed for the door. He spotted his older brother, Marcus, standing on the sidewalk.

“Hey, what’s up?” asked Marcus as they headed for home.

“Not much.” Jamal kicked a plastic bottle, and it hit a parking meter.

“Did you get to shoot some hoops at recess?” Jamal nodded. “Sink any threes?”

“Yeah, but…” Jamal looked through the window of a coffee shop at all the people on their cell phones and tablets. “There’s a new kid at school named Devon. I saw him when we were playing ball.”

“And?” Marcus raised his eyebrows.

“Well, now I’m thinking he wanted to play. He just stood by the court watching us the whole time.”

“But you didn’t ask him to be on your team?”

Jamal shook his head. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of it then.” He sighed, breathing in the smells of a Greek restaurant as they passed by.

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it.” Marcus stopped at the crosswalk and turned his head to look down the street. A city bus whizzed by, and then the light changed and they stepped into the road.

“Do you remember that Bible story about the boy named Samuel?” asked Marcus. “God called him three separate times, and each time Samuel thought it was the priest calling him.”

“Yeah, I remember,” said Jamal.

“Well, what happened with the new kid at school today is kind of like that.”

Jamal looked up questioningly at his brother.

“Samuel didn’t realize it was God calling him the first times he heard His voice,” said Marcus. “But the fourth time, after the priest told him who it really was, he got it. He knew who was calling him and was able to listen and obey.” Marcus waved at a guy with ear buds walking down the other side of the street. “You didn’t realize Devon wanted to play at first, but now you know he did. So now you can do what Jesus wants you to do.”

“You mean I can ask Devon to play ball with us tomorrow,” said Jamal.

Marcus clapped Jamal on the back. “Exactly.” – Annika Klanderud

How about you?

Have you ever regretted a decision you made after you realized something you didn’t know before? Jesus knows we’re only human and don’t always recognize ways to show His love to others. That’s why He often helps us see what we should do and gives us another chance. Ask Him to show you something you can do to show His love to others, and once you know what it is, do it!

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