Daily Devotional for January 3, 2021
Not Too Far Gone

“Asher, did you invite Toby to Bible camp yet?” Mom asked as she placed a dish in the oven.
“No, I forgot,” Asher answered from his spot at the table.
“That’s what you said last week…and the week before that,” Mom said with a frown.
Asher shrugged, his eyes glued to his laptop screen. “I don’t think he’d be interested in going anyway. Toby’s probably too far gone to be saved. He got sent to the principal’s office for fighting again yesterday, and I heard he cheated on a math test. Not to mention he lies to everybody and talks back to the teachers.”
Before Mom could answer, Asher’s sister Julia came rushing into the kitchen, holding a wilted plant in her hands. “Mom, my fern is dying! Can you help it?”
Mom bent down to take a look. “I don’t know, honey. It looks too far gone to me.”
“What?” Asher looked up from his computer. “Mom, you can’t give up on Julia’s fern—it has plenty of life left in it!”
“But it’s gone so long without water, I don’t know if I can save it,” Mom said with a sigh.
“Just because it’s a little dry doesn’t mean you should just give up,” said Asher. “Julia grew that fern herself, and I’ve seen you save plants a lot worse than this one. Don’t you think you should at least…” Asher stopped and thought for a minute. “Ohhh. I think I see where you’re going with this,” he said, realizing his mother was making a point.
“You’re right,” said Mom. “I should try. And you should too! You said Toby is probably too far gone, but Jesus can save anyone. In the same way Julia cares for her plant, God loves and cares for Toby. In the Bible Jesus calls Himself living water because no one can have life without Him. Toby needs spiritual water—he needs Jesus. Maybe he just needs someone to take the time to help him understand how much Jesus loves him.”
Asher sighed. “All right. I’ll invite Toby to Bible camp and try to be a good friend to him.” He pointed at the plant. “But then you have to try and save Julia’s fern.”
Mom smiled. “It’s a deal!” • Elena Ketner
How about you?
Have you ever looked at somebody and decided they were “too far gone”? The Bible says we all have sinned and fall short of God’s standard. None of us are perfect—we all do things that are wrong. Thankfully, we have a God who loves us no matter what! Jesus offers life to anyone who is thirsty—He can forgive any sin and change any heart. Don’t give up on anyone. Keep pointing them to Jesus.
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