Daily Devotional for February 12, 2020
Not by Sight

“I can’t believe Snowflake has five kittens!” Joey said, leaning over the little balls of fur. “I just can’t figure something out, Dad. I learned in school that kittens are born blind. How do they know that their mother will take care of them and give them milk when they can’t even see her?”
Dad scratched his chin. “Let’s play a little game.” He found a long piece of cloth and tied it around Joey’s eyes.
“Dad, I can’t see anything!” Joey said, feeling around with his hand.
“I want you to use your senses to find me. I’m going to be standing somewhere in this room,” Dad said, moving away from Joey.
Joey took a few tiny steps forward. “This isn’t going to be easy.” He took a few more steps, stumbled, then reached out and touched his dad.
“So, how did you know I was there?” asked Dad as he removed Joey’s blindfold.
“Well, I couldn’t see you, but you said you’d stay in the room, and I could hear you breathing,” Joey said. “Is that how kittens know their mother is there? By using their other senses?”
“Yes—kittens can smell their mother, even though they can’t see her. But because they’re newborn kittens, they also have to trust her to care for them, since they can’t do anything on their own. Does that remind you of anyone?”
Joey scratched his head. “I don’t know. Who?”
“Us!” said Dad. “Just like those helpless kittens, we need to trust God to take care of us.”
“But we can’t see Him, so how do we know He’s there?” Joey asked.
“Well, we need to use our other senses, kind of like how you knew I was there because you heard me and believed what I told you. We can hear God too because He speaks to us through His Word, the Bible. In it, Jesus tells us how much He loves us and promises to provide us with everything we need. That’s how we know He’ll always be with us and take care of us, even though we can’t see Him—because we have faith.”
“And it takes faith to believe in Jesus?” Joey asked.
“Exactly. We can trust Him even though we can’t see Him because His Word is true.” Jessica West
How about you?
Do you ever feel like God isn’t there? Maybe you had a fight with your best friend, or maybe school is hard. You’ve prayed and asked God for help, but nothing changes. Have faith! The Bible promises that Jesus is with us even though we can’t see Him or always sense the work He is doing in our lives. Trust Him to care for you and provide you with everything you need.
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