Daily Devotional for June 10, 2022
Not Ashamed

“Hey, Jude!” Rowan called as he rode by on his bike. “Where were you this morning? I came by your house to see if you wanted to shoot hoops at the park, but you weren’t home.”
“Oh, um…I was out,” Jude mumbled. He didn’t want to tell Rowan he’d been attending vacation Bible school at his church. Jude enjoyed it, but he wasn’t sure Rowan would understand and thought he might laugh at him.
“Are you free tomorrow?” Rowan asked. “My mom said she’d take us to the beach.”
“Well, um…I’m gonna be busy again tomorrow,” Jude stammered. Vacation Bible school lasted all week, and Jude would be going each day.
“Okay. Wednesday then?” asked Rowan.
“Well…uhhh…” Jude coughed. “I’m…I’m busy all week.”
Rowan frowned. “Every day? No one goes out that much! How can you be so busy?”
Again Jude hesitated. He could imagine Rowan’s response to the news that he’d be going to church every day. Then Jude thought of something. Here I am going to a summer program at church that’s meant to help us reach out to kids who don’t know Jesus, but I don’t even have enough nerve to admit to one of my best friends that I’m going to church! Jude knew something was wrong with that picture. Jesus was willing to suffer and die on the cross for me, he thought, but I won’t even risk being laughed at for Him? Jude took a deep breath. He knew what he had to do.
“Rowan,” he began, “we’re, uh…we’re having vacation Bible school at my church this week. That’s why I’m busy.”
Rowan stared at him. “You’re going to school…at church…during summer vacation?” He frowned. “And you don’t mind?”
“No—I like it!” Jude replied. “It’s not like normal school. We play games and sing songs and hear stories about Jesus from the Bible. I think you might like it too. How about it? Want to come with me tomorrow?”
“Well…” Rowan shrugged. “Sure, why not. I’ll check with my mom to see if she’s okay with it.”
“Great!” Jude grinned. “I really hope you can come.”
-Linda Weddle
How about you?
Do your friends know you go to church? Do you tell them about Jesus? Or are you afraid to let them know what you believe? Jesus willingly went to the cross to take the punishment for our sins so we could have eternal life with Him. People need to know the good news of Jesus so they can be saved. Don’t be ashamed to talk about Him. Look for opportunities to tell your friends about your relationship with Jesus.
Today's Verse
I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes. (NLT) Romans 1:16 NKJV
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