Daily Devotional for December 15, 2017

Not a Sore Thumb

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Not a Sore Thumb

Today's Verse

2 Corinthians 6:14-18; 1 Peter 3:15-18 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

When Jordan got home from school, his little brother Zeb met him at the door. “Look what I got.” Zeb proudly held out his thumb, which was wrapped in a thick bandage. “I banged my thumb.”

“Ouch!” said Jordan. “How does it feel now?”

“Better,” said Zeb, and he went off to play.

At dinnertime, Zeb’s bandage got in his way. “Let’s put a smaller bandage on now,” Mom said, but Zeb shook his head.

Jordan grinned at him. “I see where the expression ‘stick out like a sore thumb’ comes from. It would be pretty hard to miss yours!” He looked down at his plate. “Kind of like me. I stuck out like a sore thumb today.”

“You did? Why was that?” asked Mom.

“Well, first the guys wanted to smash a snowman some younger kids were making, and I said no, and they laughed at me. Then they started pushing the new kid around, and I told them to stop. They got mad and called me names, but at least they left him alone after that. And then, in religion class, we talked about Christianity, and I tried to explain why I’m a Christian. But another kid spoke up and said I was delusional and narrow-minded, and a lot of the kids seemed to agree with him.” Jordan sighed. “I stuck out like a sore thumb all day.”

“It may have seemed like that, but I think you stood out in a different way,” Mom said. “Sore thumbs aren’t the only fingers that stand out, you know.”

“They’re not?” Jordan asked.

Mom shook her head. “I ran into Bethany Richards downtown today, and right away I could see she’d gotten engaged—she was wearing the biggest diamond you’ve ever seen! You couldn’t miss her ring finger if you wanted to.” Mom gave Jordan’s shoulder a squeeze. “Jesus saved you from sin, and He’s shaping you to be more like Him. I think you stood out like a diamond today in the way you were willing to stand up for others and share what Jesus has done for you, and He may use the things you did to bring others to Him. Keep being faithful and ready to share His truth and love with others, no matter what people might think.” – Hazel W. Marett

How about you?

Do you stand out from those who are unbelievers? If you’re a Christian, Jesus is shaping you to be like Him instead of the world, and that means you’ll stand out among those who don’t know Him. It’s not easy to be different from others, but ask Jesus to help you use those situations as opportunities to tell others about Him and show them who He is. Stand out like a diamond and remember He’ll be with you no matter what.

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