Daily Devotional for February 7, 2021
Nobody’s Perfect

Ariel shrugged when she missed her basketball shot. “Oh well. Nobody’s perfect!” she said, and the other girls laughed. “Nobody’s perfect” had become a phrase Ariel used often, and her friends almost knew ahead of time when they would hear it again.
One day Ariel went to church with her friend Juliana. “That was interesting,” Ariel said as they walked home afterward, “but I don’t agree with everything Mrs. Gates said. According to her, no matter how good you are, you’re not good enough for heaven. I don’t believe that!”
“But it’s what the Bible says,” said Juliana. “The Bible says everyone does wrong things—everyone’s a sinner. But Jesus took the punishment for our sins, and the only way we can have eternal life is by trusting in Him.”
“Well, Mrs. Gates makes it sound like everybody’s such a terrible sinner, and that’s silly!” insisted Ariel. “I’ve never done anything really bad. And what about people like my Uncle Jason? He’s always helping others. He’s a volunteer firefighter, and he also gives lots of money to places like the cancer society and the homeless shelter. And last year when he—” Suddenly she stopped. “Oh, I’m so busy talking, I’m not paying attention to what I’m doing! We just passed my street.” Ariel laughed at herself. “Oh well. Nobody’s perfect!”
“No, and that’s what God says too. He says we’re not perfect—we’ve all sinned by doing things that are wrong,” replied Juliana. “Even though what you’ve done doesn’t seem so bad to you, God doesn’t see it that way. We all have sin in our hearts, and because God is perfect and holy, no sin can enter heaven. So no matter how many good things you—or your uncle—do, it doesn’t get you any closer to heaven. You still have to get rid of your sin, and only Jesus can take it away. Unlike us, He is perfect, and we need to trust in Him in order to be saved.”
Ariel was thoughtful as she turned and headed down her street. “I have to get home,” she said, “but let’s talk about this more later, okay?” Gladly, Juliana nodded. • Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Are you fit for heaven? No lying, disobedience, cheating, gossip—or any other sin—can enter heaven. Did you read today’s Bible passage? One person described in those verses did many good deeds; the other asked for God’s mercy. Jesus said the one who asked for mercy was saved—not the one who thought he was good enough because of the good things he did. Which one are you? Admit your sin and trust in Jesus. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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