Daily Devotional for June 24, 2023
No Shoes Needed

“Is Poppy wearing his shoes?” asked six-year-old Noelle. Mom patted Noelle’s arm and went on talking. The funeral home was full of people talking quietly. The room was filled with the smell of flowers. Noelle stood beside her mother, who was greeting the people who had come to show their sympathy. Noelle’s great-grandfather lay in the casket—a long box lined with satin—with his eyes closed and his hands folded. He looked like he was sleeping, but somehow he didn’t quite look like the kind man Noelle knew. She felt strange and out of place.
Noelle felt a hand on her shoulder. “Come on, kiddo. I’ll take you home now,” said Dad.
Noelle tried to smile, but her lips trembled. “Does Poppy have his shoes on?” she asked again.
“No, sweetie, he doesn’t need them anymore,” Dad said.
“But, Daddy,” Noelle protested, “how will he be able to walk around in heaven? He always put his shoes on first thing when he wanted to go for a walk.”
Dad smiled but didn’t answer her question right away. “Noelle, do you remember when you helped me plant carrots in the garden last spring?” he asked after a moment. Noelle nodded. “Each seed we planted had new life inside that couldn’t grow until the seed died,” said Dad. “The carrots grew, and the husk of the dead seed was left in the ground. That’s a little like what has happened to Poppy. He was a Christian, and when he died, he left his body here with his shoes and clothes, just like the old seed husk. His spirit went to be with Jesus in heaven. And someday, something really special is going to happen. When Jesus comes again, God will raise Poppy’s body and make it all new and perfect.”
Noelle thought about it. “So Poppy doesn’t need his cane in heaven either?”
Dad shook his head. “No, and he’ll never need it again. When God raises Poppy from the dead, his body will be perfect, and he’ll never get old or sick. Until then, Jesus will take good care of him.”
Noelle felt better as she looked toward the casket where Poppy’s body lay. “I’m glad he’s with Jesus,” she said simply.
-Carol J. Brookman
How about you?
Have you visited a funeral home when someone you love died? Did it give you a strange feeling? Did it make you sad? Death is hard to understand, but it helps to remember that death is not the end for those who know Jesus as their Savior. For a Christian, their soul goes to heaven to be with Jesus. And when He comes again, that person will be given a new and perfect body, and God will put an end to tears, sickness, and death for good.
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