Daily Devotional for February 25, 2021
No Looking Back

“What are you doing, Mr. West?” Brad asked when he saw his neighbor getting out some tools.
“I’m going to use my garden tiller to get rid of some weeds,” said Mr. West. “Do you want to help?”
“Sure,” said Brad.
Mr. West started the tiller and showed Brad how it worked. “Start here, and keep your eyes on the space between the plants. Walk straight down the row. When you get to the end, move on to the next row.”
Brad eagerly began. It took some getting used to, but his confidence grew as the weeds in row after row disappeared. He was almost finished when he heard someone call his name. Turning his head, he looked back and saw Mrs. West with a tall glass of lemonade. “Come take a break,” she called.
Grinning, Brad turned to shut off the machine. To his dismay, he saw that while he had been looking back toward Mrs. West, the machine had swerved and taken out a few garden plants.
Mr. West saw what had happened too. “Don’t worry about it, Brad,” he said. “There’s not much damage. Come have some lemonade, and then you can finish the last row.”
As they sat under a tree with their lemonade, Brad mentioned a problem he was having with some of his old friends. “They’re always after me to do stuff I used to do,” he said.
“And why don’t you do those things now?” Mr. West asked.
“Well, I’m a Christian now,” Brad replied. He sighed. “I know it would be wrong to do some of that stuff, but…sometimes it looks like fun.”
Mr. West looked over at the garden. “When you turned and looked back while working in the garden, it messed up a row, and looking back at your old lifestyle could cause you to do things that don’t belong in your new life with Jesus. Instead of looking back to old friends, look to Jesus and His Word for direction in your new life. Maybe He can show you a way to reach out to your old friends without getting involved in your old way of life.”
Brad nodded. “Okay. I’ll do that.” He picked up the tiller. “After I finish this last row!”
• Raelene E. Phillips
How about you?
Do you often look back on things you used to do before you knew Jesus? He promises that life with Him is better than anything we had before, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy. You’ll have to let go of sinful habits—and maybe even old friends who want you to keep doing those things. Instead of looking back, look to Jesus. Trust Him to lead you in your new life with Him.
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