Daily Devotional for October 12, 2021
No Longer Slaves

“Mom, what’s going to happen if one of us gets sick?” Jemma asked. “What if you or Dad loses your job? Will we have to move? What if my friends all make new friends and forget about me?”
“Whoa, Jemma, slow down!” said Mom. “You seem to be worried a lot these days. What’s going on?”
Jemma shrugged. “It just seems like everything’s changed so much in the last couple years, and I never know what to expect next.”
Mom nodded sympathetically. “Do you remember a few summers ago when you were terrified of bees? Your fear of getting stung made it hard for you to enjoy our favorite places, like the marsh or the hike to the waterfalls. Instead of seeing the beauty all around you, your eyes were constantly looking for bees, and all you wanted to do was get back in the car and go home.”
“I remember,” said Jemma. “I felt so miserable whenever we were outside, and I missed out on a lot of fun things. Not only that, but I ended up breaking my arm that summer when I lost control and crashed my bike because a bee flew by me! That cast was so uncomfortable and itchy!”
“The Bible says allowing our fears to control us makes us slaves to fear,” said Mom gently. “It also says a fearful spirit is not from God and we don’t have to give in to it because God has adopted us as His children.” Mom smiled at Jemma. “When Dad and I adopted you as a baby, we made a promise to God to love you and take care of you no matter what challenges and surprises life brought us. The Bible tells us that when we trust in Jesus, God adopts us into His family. When you start to worry, bring your fears to your good and loving Father, who promises to never leave you and to always take care of you.”
“Hey!” Jemma exclaimed. “That’s how I ended up getting over my fear of bees!”
“That’s right,” answered Mom. “After you broke your arm, you asked God to comfort you and take that fear away from you. Our heavenly Father wants us to be confident children who know how much He loves us.”
-Ashleigh Awosika
How about you?
Do you struggle with fear and worry? Do you spend a lot of time imagining all the bad things that could happen to you or the people you love? God tells us in the Bible that fear is not from Him. He is your loving heavenly Father who is always right beside you. Talk to Him and share your concerns and struggles with Him. God has adopted us as His children, and He wants us to be free from fear.
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