Daily Devotional for March 5, 2020
No Excuse

“Come on, Aaron. Step on it!” Blake urged his older brother. “You can make the light.”
“Okay,” said Aaron. “Hang on!” With a burst of speed, they zipped through the traffic light just after it turned red. But then Aaron groaned as he glanced in his rearview mirror and saw a police car with lights flashing. He pulled to the side of the road and was soon handed a traffic ticket by the police officer. Blake felt guilty knowing he had urged Aaron to go through the changing light.
When their parents learned about the ticket, Aaron made excuses. “I don’t see why that police officer couldn’t have just overlooked it. All I did was go through one little red light when no cars were coming anyway!”
Mom shook her head. “It was both foolish and dangerous not to stop for that light. You broke the law, and now you have to pay.”
“That’s right,” said Dad. “You seem to think what you did wasn’t so bad, but the truth is that it was wrong.” He sighed. “Your excuses remind me of a man I used to know.”
“Did he get a ticket too?” Blake asked.
“No, but like you boys, he didn’t think the things he did were so bad,” said Dad. “He didn’t think he was bad enough to go to hell. That sounds harsh, doesn’t it? But he needed to realize that’s what would happen if he didn’t trust Jesus to save him from his sins. He may have been pretty good in the eyes of the world, but anyone who is honest has to admit to having done at least one wrong thing. And I happened to know this man had done quite a few things that were wrong.”
“How did you know that?” asked Blake.
“Because he was me!” said Dad. “Then God helped me understand that everyone—including me—is guilty of breaking God’s law, and the fine must be paid.” Dad handed the ticket back to Aaron. “You’ll have to pay this fine yourself—but thank God you don’t have to pay the penalty for your sins. Jesus has already done that by dying on the cross.” Phyllis M. Robinson
How about you?
Do you think you’re good enough to go to heaven? Have you ever told a lie? Disobeyed at least one time, had even one bad thought, or done some other wrong thing at least once? Of course you have, and God says you’re guilty—you’ve broken His law. There’s a penalty to be paid. Jesus paid that penalty for you so you could have eternal life. Trust Him as your Savior today.
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