Daily Devotional for January 1, 2021
New Skin

“Grandma! Grandpa!” called Reagan and Vinny as they ran outside to greet their grandparents, who had just pulled into the driveway.
Grandma gave them each a big hug. “We missed you while you were on vacation!” she said. “Did you have a good trip?”
“We sure did,” said Vinny. “Come see what we brought home.” He and Reagan led their grandparents into the living room. “Look,” said Vinny, pointing to a covered glass bowl filled with green plants.
Grandpa went over to look. “Nice plants,” he said.
Reagan giggled. “Look again, Grandpa,” she said. “Look right there.” She pointed to a small branch resting on the bottom of the bowl.
Grandpa peered at the branch. “Oh, I see it now,” he said. “It’s a chameleon, isn’t it?”
“It almost looks like a little leaf,” Grandma said in amazement.
Reagan grinned. “My teacher at school says chameleons have camouflage uniforms so they can blend in with their surroundings. It helps protect them from predators.”
“Know what else we learned about them?” asked Vinny. “Their skin doesn’t grow like their bodies do. When they get too big for their skin, they begin shedding it. They get rid of the old stuff, and soon they have all new skin.”
“It’s kind of like what we need to do as Christians, isn’t it?” observed Grandpa.
Reagan and Vinny stared. “How would we do that, Grandpa?” asked Vinny.
Grandpa laughed. “I guess I was thinking out loud,” he said. “Chameleons shed their skin when they get too big for it, and we need to shed sinful habits. Things like lying, cheating, and gossiping no longer fit us because Jesus has saved us from sin and has given us a new life. Just like a chameleon puts on new skin, we need to put on new, godly characteristics that fit who we are as God’s children—things like kindness, patience, and humility.”
“That does sound a lot like a chameleon,” Reagan said.
Grandpa nodded. “The Bible tells us to take off the old self and put on the new self—the person Jesus has created us to be.” • Lucinda J. Rollings
How about you?
Has Jesus given you a new life? If you trust Him as your Savior, He’s made you a new person! That means your old, sinful ways no longer fit who you are because He’s freed you from sin and given you His goodness. It’s time to shed those old, sinful habits so others can see the new person He’s created you to be—someone filled with His kindness and love.
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