Daily Devotional for December 1, 2022
New Glasses

“Well, Erin, it looks like you’ll need an updated prescription for your glasses,” the optometrist said as Erin got out of the chair at the eye doctor’s office.
Erin found her mom in the waiting room. “New glasses again!” she announced.
“Well, let’s look around the store to see if we can find some frames you like,” Mom suggested.
As Erin tried on various colors and styles of glasses, she talked with Mom about school. “It feels like everything is going wrong. I have two tests tomorrow, and I’m struggling in those classes. My favorite teacher has been home sick all week, and one of my friends broke her arm during gym class! I know God is in control of all that happens and I should trust Him, but it’s hard when nothing is going well.”
“I’m sorry all these things are happening at once.” Mom put a hand on her shoulder. “The world is chaotic.” She thought for a moment. “Do you remember what it was like before you got your first pair of glasses?”
“Oh yeah,” Erin laughed. “Everything was so blurry. I could only see a few feet in front of me.”
“Life can be a bit like that,” Mom said. “The world can feel blurry and confusing. Just imagine how confused Jesus’s followers were when He died on the cross! But Jesus had a bigger plan—to die and take the punishment for our sin and bring new life through His resurrection three days later. We can’t always see how God is working today, but we can keep our eyes focused on Jesus and trust Him.”
Erin understood. “Because He doesn’t just see the present. It’s like He sees through different glasses than us, where He can see the whole world—past, present, and future.”
Mom smiled. “Exactly! And God can use challenging things to teach us to trust Him. When our plans don’t work out, we need to remember that He has a bigger plan in mind—one that ends with Jesus getting rid of sin and death forever. We may not understand now, but one day, we will see how God worked everything for good.”
Erin nodded. “So I can trust Jesus and focus on Him even when I don’t understand what’s happening.” She hugged her mom. “Thanks.”
-Abby Ciona
How about you?
Do you feel confused or overwhelmed? Maybe you’re struggling in a friendship, or a family member has health challenges. Sometimes things that happen to us feel unfair or hurt a lot. When you face hard times, focus on Jesus’s love and His promise to be with you. Remember that He has a plan and is working everything out for your good. Trust Him.
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