Daily Devotional for April 3, 2022
Names in Stone
“The last avalanche of rocks at this site took place in 1990,” announced Stella as she read the plaque at the rest stop. She turned to look at the huge boulders along the side of the mountain road. “So all these rocks landed here back then,” she said thoughtfully. “I hope no more of them decide to fall today!”
“Hey, look there!” Carson pointed to a big rock bearing the names Jason and Sarah, along with a date from several years before in faded spray paint. “Looks like some kids wanted to have their names written on stone.” He grinned. “If we had some spray paint, we could add ours too.”
Mom shook her head. “Not a good idea. It’s a shame to spoil the mountain
that way!”
Dad nodded. “Maybe Jason and Sarah come back sometimes to see if their names are still here.”
“Well, they’ve lasted quite a while, but they’re fading away,” observed Mom.
“It seems like everybody wants their name to live on forever,” said Dad. “You know, I had my name written in a special place too, and it’s still there.”
“Mitch!” Mom scolded. “You didn’t!”
Dad grinned. “Yup. It was when I was younger…before you met me.”
“Cool!” said Carson. “Where is it? Can we go see it? You said it’s still there.”
“It sure is,” said Dad. “The Bible says so. My name is written in heaven.”
“In heaven!” exclaimed Stella. “On stone?”
“Nope.” Dad shook his head. “It’s in the Book of Life. When I trusted in Jesus, He wrote my name in His special book where no avalanche can bury it, no rain can fade it, and nobody can come and wipe it out. When He returns to judge the world, my name in that book will prove that He has washed my sins away with His blood and that I belong to Him, and He will welcome me into the new, perfect world He’ll create on earth to be with Him there.”
“I trust in Jesus too,” said Stella.
“So do I,” said Carson. “So our names are written there forever, right?”
“They sure are,” said Mom. “And so is mine.”
-Heather Tekavec
How about you?
Is your name written in heaven? If it is, that’s a reason to rejoice and give thanks to God. If it’s not already written there, it can be. When you trust Jesus as your Savior, your name will be written in the Book of Life where it can never be destroyed or removed. Trust in Him today, and you can look forward to spending eternity with Him. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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