Daily Devotional for March 8, 2019
Moving Blues

“I wish we weren’t moving,” Jaden said after carrying a large box out to Dad’s truck. “I like our neighborhood here, and I’ll miss all my friends.”
“Yeah, me too. Especially at school!” said Lydia. “At our new school, we won’t know anybody.”
“You’ll soon have new friends,” Dad assured them, “and I’m sure you’ll love our new house and neighborhood.” Lydia just shook her head as she carried out a bowl with three little fish.
Not long after they moved into their new house, Dad came home from work with a large aquarium. “Oh, good!” Jaden said. “That big tank is for our goldfish, isn’t it? They’re kind of crowded in the bowl we have, but they’ll have lots of room in their new tank.”
“Yep,” said Dad. “Your little fish need a larger living space just like we did.” He watched as Jaden and Lydia transferred the three fish to their new home.
A few months later, Jaden called Lydia over to the fish tank. “Have you noticed how much these fish have grown since we moved here?” he asked.
“Yeah,” said Lydia. “They’re much bigger now.”
Dad looked up from his laptop. “Goldfish need space in order to grow, so the change to a bigger aquarium was good for them.” He smiled at the kids. “Change is often good for people too. It gives them new opportunities. For example, since we moved here, you’ve met new friends and developed interests in some of the things they enjoy. That’s growth.”
“Yeah,” said Lydia. “I didn’t think I’d like it here, but I do now.”
“Me too,” agreed Jaden, “but I don’t want to move again anytime soon.”
“We probably won’t have to,” Dad said, “but God often uses experiences like moving to help us grow. It’s an opportunity for us to learn how to depend on Him when things change and we’re not sure how they’ll turn out.”
“Even when we don’t move, things change,” said Lydia. “I’m going to have a new teacher soon. Mrs. Hart’s husband got a job transfer, so they have to move.”
Dad nodded. “Things will constantly change,” he said. “When they do, we need to remember that Jesus is always with us and to trust Him to help us through those changes.” – Phyllis M. Robinson
How about you?
Do you like the changes that come into your life? They can often be difficult, but the Bible tells us that God allows times of change in our lives for our good. Trust Him to be with you through all the changes you’re experiencing and to use them to help you grow. Ask Him to use new situations to help you learn more about Him and depend on Him.
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