Daily Devotional for April 10, 2019
More Honey, Less Vinegar

“Mom!” Paige wailed down the hall. “Bobby got into my room again! And he messed up my jewelry!”
“I’m sorry, honey,” Mom said when she came to see the damage. “I’ll try to watch him more closely.” The toddler loved to go into his sister’s room and open her drawers, color on her papers, and play with her things.
Paige sighed. “I wonder what Justin does to keep Bobby out of his stuff. He doesn’t seem to have problems with Bobby like I do. I’ll see if I can find out what his secret is.”
When Paige asked her older brother about it, he smiled. “Well, there’s an old saying—‘You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.’”
“Catch flies! What’s that supposed to mean? I thought we were talking about Bobby.”
Justin laughed. “It means it’s usually easier to get people to cooperate by being nice to them than by fussing and yelling at them,” he explained. “I sometimes just let Bobby come into my room to see what I’m working on. I even let him have the small bottom drawer of my dresser as his drawer to keep a few things in. And I make sure breakable stuff is up out of his reach. That way, I hardly ever have to get after him.”
“Wow! You go to a lot of work just to keep him out of your stuff,” Paige said. “It’d probably be easier just to yell at him.”
“Yeah, how’s that working out for you?” asked Justin with a wry smile. “I’m telling you, my method makes for a lot less trouble in the long run—and it’s more loving and kind too. I know he’s curious about my stuff because he’s little, so I try to be welcoming and make him feel included. It works better than yelling at him, and it also makes us friends—and like Mom is always telling us, Jesus wants brothers and sisters to get along and remind each other of His love.”
“Okay, I’ll try it.” Paige gave Justin’s arm a light punch. “Thanks for helping me. I’m glad you’re my brother.” She grinned. “I’m glad Bobby’s my brother too. Hopefully once I try your method I’ll be even more glad about that!”
How about you?
Do you get upset when others use your things without asking? Perhaps you have younger brothers or sisters who like to get into your stuff. It’s wrong of them to do that, but instead of getting mad, try being kind and sharing your things with them. You’ll probably get better results that way, and most importantly, you’ll be showing them the love of Jesus.
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