Daily Devotional for March 27, 2018
More Beautiful than Roses

“Abby, why don’t you come over here for a second? I have something to show you.”
Abby slid one more pin into her hair and followed the voice into the kitchen, where Dad was arranging a bunch of brightly colored flowers in a vase.
Abby hurried over for a closer look. “Wow, those are beautiful. Are they from your garden?”
“They are!” Dad slid the last white daisy into place. “All of the sweat and dirt is worth it when my flowers bloom.” He paused for a moment, then said, “Abby, I’ve noticed you’ve been a lot more concerned about how you look lately. I know that’s normal for a girl your age, and that’s fine, but I just want to make sure you don’t let it get out of hand.”
Abby sighed. “But everyone else looks so pretty all the time. I just want to be beautiful like them.”
Dad paused, then turned back to his bouquet. “You know, I don’t like these flowers so much after all. I think I should throw these out and get some roses from the store. Roses are the most beautiful flower, aren’t they?”
Abby stared at him. “But Dad, you worked so hard for your flowers! Your garden is just as beautiful as a bunch of roses.”
“I think you’re onto something there,” said Dad. “As different as they are, these flowers are all beautiful, and it’s nice to have a variety of shapes and colors, isn’t it? Do you think that while the daisies were growing, they worried about competing with the irises or peonies?”
“Of course not,” Abby said.
“You’re right. They just grew, and I love them, even though they don’t look like any of the other flowers,” said Dad. “You know, Abby, God is like your gardener.”
“My gardener?”
“Yes. You’re God’s child, and He cares for you. He thinks you’re more beautiful than the most perfect rose. He made each of us unique and sent His Son to save us. He wants us to grow to please Him instead of constantly comparing ourselves to others.”
“So I shouldn’t worry so much about what I look like?”
Dad smiled. “Exactly. What’s most important is growing into the person God created you to be.” – Katelyn Van Kooten
How about you?
Do you spend a lot of time comparing yourself to others? Maybe you’re afraid you don’t measure up to the people around you. Remember that God loves you no matter what! He made you unique, and you’re beautiful in your own way. So don’t try to be like someone else! Remember who you are in Jesus and grow to please Him.
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