Daily Devotional for May 6, 2022

Moppet’s Choice

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Moppet’s Choice

Today's Verse

1 John 4:7-11, 20-21 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“Can you think of anyone who needs a friend?” Abby’s Sunday school teacher asked the class. “During His time on earth, Jesus sought out those who were rejected or ignored by others so they would know they were loved by God. When we reach out to those who are lonely, we’re showing them the love of Jesus, who sacrificed His life so we could have a place in His family. Who can you show God’s love to this week who might be feeling lonely?”

Abby tried to think of someone, but there wasn’t anyone at her school who seemed lonely. Her class was small, and the kids all knew each

other well.

When Abby got home, her dog, Moppet, met her at the door. “Hi, Moppet,” Abby crooned. As she sat down to pet the little dog, Abby’s brother Topher walked through the kitchen. Moppet promptly jumped up and followed him.

Frowning, Abby glared after them. “Why does Moppet always prefer to be with my brother?” she muttered under her breath. Sighing, Abby got up and went to

her room.

Later that day, Abby noticed that her brother didn’t seem very interested in the TV show he was watching. I wonder if Topher is lonely, she thought with a start. We’ve only lived here a little while, and he doesn’t seem to have many friends yet. Abby remembered how she felt when Moppet often chose to follow Topher instead of her. Is that how Topher feels? she wondered. Sad and lonely because everyone else in our family feels at home and has made friends except for him? Abby thought again of her teacher’s words. I couldn’t think of any lonely people this morning, but I didn’t even consider my own brother. She sighed. Maybe that’s why Moppet chooses to follow Topher around—because he knows Topher needs a friend.

Abby went to the kitchen and got two glasses of milk and some cookies. She put them on a tray and took them to the living room. Topher looked up in surprise when Abby offered him cookies and milk. “What’s that for?” he asked.

Abby shrugged. “I just thought we could have a snack and hang out.”

Topher smiled. “Okay,” he said, and they sat down to watch his show together.

-Linda Weddle

How about you?

Do you know someone who’s lonely and could use a friend? It might be someone at your church, your school…or even in your own family! Ask God to show you someone who needs a friend. Then reach out to them and let them know you care. Through your kindness and friendship, you can let them know that Jesus loves them and has a place for them in His family.

Today's Verse

He who loves God must love his brother also. 1 John 4:21 NKJV

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