Daily Devotional for December 12, 2021
Miriam Babysits Moses

Luna, can you please take your brother for a while?” Mom handed Luna the squalling little boy. “He’s been so cranky today, and I need to get some things done.”
“But, Mom, I’m studying!” Luna said as she bounced Cason up and down to quiet him.
“You could use a break,” said Mom. “Besides, isn’t Josie coming over today? I thought maybe the two of you could take Cason for a walk.”
“Josie had to babysit too. It seems like she has to take care of her little sister almost all the time.” Luna shook her head. “You know, Mom, sometimes Josie’s mom calls her Miriam. I wonder if she wishes she’d named her that instead of Josie.”
Mom laughed. “You remember the Bible story about Moses, don’t you? The king of Egypt was afraid the Israelite slaves would outnumber his people and take over. He gave an order for all Israelite boy babies to be killed. But Moses’s mother trusted God to save Baby Moses.”
Luna nodded. “I remember. She put him in a little basket in the river, didn’t she?”
“Right,” said Mom. “And do you remember who watched to see what would happen?”
“Yep. His sister Miriam,” said Luna. “And when the king’s daughter found Moses, Miriam got his own mother to take care of him.” She grinned. “So Josie’s mom calls her Miriam because Josie helps take care of her baby sister, just like Miriam helped her mother take care of Moses, right?”
“That’s right,” said Mom. “When Moses led God’s people out of slavery in Egypt, I’m sure Miriam was really glad she’d had a part in taking care of him.”
“Hey, who knows? Maybe Cason will grow up to be somebody famous too,” said Luna.
Mom smiled. “Cason doesn’t have to be famous for God to use him in an extraordinary way. Jesus does that with each one of us who knows Him as our Savior. Just as God freed His people from slavery in Egypt, He frees us from sin through Jesus, and He uses us to lead others to Him. By loving and caring for Cason, you can help prepare him for whatever God has in store for his life.”
Luna looked at her baby brother and smiled. “Just like Miriam.”
-Nancy I. Merical
How about you?
Do you have younger siblings or cousins you help take care of? Do you help care for small children in your church or neighborhood sometimes? Your love and care can make a big difference in their lives. Jesus can use your kind, caring attitude to draw them toward Him and prepare them for the work He has for them to do. He can use your care to help them do extraordinary things for Him.
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