Daily Devotional for January 10, 2019
Milk of the Word

“All right, Ravi, it’s time to get ready for church.”
Ravi was so into his video game, he almost didn’t realize his dad had just walked in. “Can’t I just finish this level?”
“If I let you do that, we’ll be late for church,” Dad said.
“Can’t we just walk in a little late? I don’t understand most of the sermons anyway.”
Dad left the room and came back with a Bible. He sat down next to Ravi and opened it up. “Here, Ravi. There’s something I want you to read.”
He pointed to the passage, and Ravi began reading. “Like newborn infants, desire the pure milk of the word, so that you may grow up into your salvation.” He looked at his father with a confused expression.
“Remember when your sister, Tai, was born, and how much she would cry?” Dad asked.
“Of course I do, Dad! How could I forget?”
“Yeah, she got pretty loud sometimes,” Dad said with a chuckle. “Do you know why she cried so much?”
“She’d cry when she was tired or when she got hurt. Or when she was hungry.”
“Right. Babies need milk to get strong and healthy, and when they’re hungry for it, they’ll cry until they get it. That passage is saying we should act the same way about going to church.”
“So you’re saying I should cry and whine when I don’t get to go to church?” Ravi raised an eyebrow at his dad. “Doesn’t the Bible also say not to whine?”
“We shouldn’t whine in a selfish way, but when something happens that keeps us from going to church, you never complain about not being able to go, and neither do I. We should always desire to spend time with other Christians learning about what Jesus has done for us, but sometimes our sinful nature gets in the way.”
“But what if I don’t understand the message?” Ravi asked.
“You’ll understand more as you grow in your faith. Ask God for wisdom as you learn more about Him, and don’t be afraid to ask me or Mom for help with things you don’t understand.”
“All right then,” Ravi said as he set down his game controller. “Forget this video game. Let’s go to church!” – Zac Goodman
How about you?
What distracts you from wanting to go to church? Video games? TV? Sports? Those are all fun things, and having fun isn’t bad, but we should want to spend time with other Christians learning more about Jesus. If you’re struggling with the desire to go to church, talk to Jesus about it. He wants you to go to church so you can learn to love Him more.
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