Daily Devotional for August 20, 2020
When Catherine and Edward came home from school, they found their mother sitting in the middle of the living room floor, surrounded by small piles of pictures. “You kids want to help organize these?” she asked.
They eagerly agreed, and soon Edward and Catherine were giggling about the pictures—some taken many years before.
“Look at Mom in this one!” said Catherine. “She has a ponytail!”
Edward laughed. “Here’s Fiona when she was a tiny kitten.”
When Dad came home, he joined the twins on the floor. Soon all three were chuckling over a group of baby pictures.
As they sat down for family devotions later that evening, Dad held up two snapshots. One was a picture of an old car.
Mom laughed. “Oh dear! Remember all the trouble we had with that car?” “I sure do,” said Dad. “When I saw this picture, I remembered the time the transmission had to be replaced and we didn’t have the money. Remember how God provided the funds for it by allowing me to find that painting job?” Mom nodded.
Then Dad showed the second picture—a photo of Catherine in her bathrobe, looking very pale. “That was taken after my operation,” Catherine said, and the family talked about how her appendix had ruptured and the doctors had said she might die. “Wasn’t God good to us?” Dad asked. “He healed Catherine.”
Edward was puzzled. “What do those pictures have to do with family devotions?”
“They’re here to serve as reminders,” Dad replied. “We’ve all been a little anxious lately, wondering if I might lose my job with all the changes going on at my office.”
“Oh yeah,” Edward said quietly.
“But we need to remember what God has done for us in the past. He provided salvation for us through His Son, Jesus, and He’s provided for us in so many other ways too. Just like He was faithful then, He will continue to lead and help us in the future—no matter what changes take place. We are His children, and He promises to take care of us.”
Catherine smiled. “Looking at these picture brings back memories of how God took care of us before,” she said. “And that helps us trust Him to do it again!” Raelene E. Phillips
How about you?
Are you worried about the future? Perhaps your parent needs a job or there has been an illness, death, or some other hardship in your family. Remember that God is always faithful. He provides for His children, even though it may be in ways you don’t expect. Think back on what He’s done for you in the past, and trust Him to take care of you in the future.
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