Daily Devotional for May 3, 2020
Make Sure

“I…I want Jesus to be my Savior, Pastor Holden,” Cameron said when he went forward at the close of the children’s program at church.
Pastor Holden smiled at Cameron. “I’m glad you want to make sure you know the Lord. I remember you came forward one night about a year ago because you wanted to be saved. Tell me—did Jesus save you that night?”
“I don’t know.” Cameron sighed. “I thought He did—I was even baptized after that. But I keep wondering—how do I know I really meant it when I asked Jesus to forgive and save me? Maybe I should ask Him again, just to make sure.”
“If you’re having doubts, I’m glad you came to talk about it,” said the pastor. “Salvation is certainly not something you want to guess about.”
“So should I pray again and ask Jesus to save me?” Cameron asked.
“Saying a prayer isn’t what saves you, Cameron—whether you pray one time or a hundred times,” said Pastor Holden. “No matter how many good deeds you do, you can’t save yourself—not by praying, being baptized, giving money to church, being kind, or doing any other good thing. You’re saved only by Jesus. Put your faith in Him.”
Cameron nodded. “You’re saying that being saved isn’t something we do—it’s something God does for us, right?”
“Exactly,” said Pastor Holden. “Believe that Jesus loves you and that He died for your sins on the cross and rose again. Trust Him to save you. In John 6:47, Jesus says all who believe in Him have everlasting life.”
“I learned that verse in church last year,” Cameron said.
“So, do you believe in Jesus, Cameron?” Pastor Holden asked. “Or are you counting on your prayers—or maybe on your baptism—to save you?”
“I do know those things won’t get me to heaven,” Cameron answered. Then with a nod he added firmly, “I believe in Jesus.”
“Good,” said Pastor Holden. “The next time you have doubts, feel free to come talk to me again, but you can also talk to Jesus about how you’re feeling. He understands and wants to help you. Let Him remind you that He already did everything that needed to be done to save you.” SHERRY L. KUYT
How about you?
Do you believe in Jesus? Do you know that He died and rose again for you? Do you realize you can’t do anything to save yourself? Make sure you trust in Jesus alone to save you. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.) Then, when you experience doubt, talk to Jesus about it—and maybe a Christian adult too. God wants to help you know for sure that you have everlasting life.
Today's Verse
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