Daily Devotional for June 21, 2020
Made and Molded

“Mom! See what I made!” Greyson yelled as he came into the kitchen after school. He quickly put his backpack on the table and dug out a brightly painted clay butterfly. “We made these in art class,” said Greyson. “It took us all week.”
“Very nice!” Mom said, setting some veggies and dip out for Greyson’s after-school snack. “I remember you told me you were doing that.”
Greyson nodded. “First we took the clay and molded it with our hands. Then we used plastic knives to trim it and make designs. When they were ready, Mrs. Evers put them in a big barrel thing—I think it’s called a kiln—to bake them. Today we could paint them any colors we wanted.” He grinned. “Isn’t Wally awesome?”
“Wally?” Mom asked.
“Yeah, that’s what I named him.”
“Well, you did a great job!” said Mom, picking up a pencil and paper.
“What are you doing?” asked Greyson, biting into a carrot.
“I’m working on the Sunday school lesson I’ll be teaching this week,” said Mom.
She smiled. “You know, it kind of reminds me of Wally. In a way, we’re a lot like him.” “How can we be like Wally?” Greyson asked.
“Well, God made each of us like you made Wally. You designed Wally, and God
created each one of us according to His specific design. The Bible says God knit us together before we were born. He molded us into our shape and height. You chose the colors to paint Wally, and God chose our skin and hair and eye colors.”
“Cool!” said Greyson. “But I’m glad I don’t have to go into a kiln like Wally did.”
“No, not a kiln,” said Mom, “but we do sometimes have to go through hard times. When that happens, we need to trust God to help us through the circumstances
He allows us to go through and use them to mold us to be more like Jesus. He not only created us, He became human Himself and died on the cross so we could have eternal life. When we face difficulties, we need to remember all He’s done for us and trust Him.”
Greyson smiled at his clay butterfly. “I’ll think of that whenever I look at Wally.” SARAH BERGMAN
How about you?
Did you know that God made you and chose physical features just right for you? He loves you just the way you are—so much that He sent His Son to die for you so you could live with Him forever. When you go through hard times, He will use them to mold you to be more like Him. Trust Him to work in your life and help you grow into the person He made you to be.
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