Daily Devotional for January 2, 2021

Lila walked wide-eyed through the market. It took two hours of walking out of the Andes mountains to reach the village in the valley, so Lila rarely accompanied her mother. Now she stared in wonder at the variety of goods for sale. There were piles of produce—potatoes, cucumbers, and maize—tables filled with brightly dyed cloth, herbs to grind into medicine, crated chickens, pottery, beaded jewelry, and stacks of books. But Mama needed only the few items she and Papa did not produce on their small mountain farm—sugar, shoes, coffee, and another kettle to replace the one that cracked. She must not buy more than they and the llama could carry home.
“Stay here, Lila,” Mama said. “I must speak with Mr. Miraz about purchasing our wool.”
Lila waited patiently, but as the meeting with the weaver stretched long, her attention was diverted by cages of brightly colored birds. Then by the spicy aroma of cooking meat. Before she knew it, Lila had wandered out of sight of the weaver’s booth.
When she realized she didn’t know where she was, Lila began running from table to table, searching for her way back, but nothing looked familiar. “Mama? Mama?” Panic constricted her chest so she couldn’t breathe. What if Mama left without her? What if she couldn’t find her way home? She should have listened!
Then she felt Mama’s touch on her shoulder. “Lila, there you are.”
Lila threw herself into her mother’s arms. “I was so afraid! I thought I’d never see you again.”
“Hush, child. You know I wouldn’t have stopped searching until I found you.” Mama swayed, rocking her back and forth. “You know, Jesus loves you this same way. He’s the Good Shepherd who goes looking for every single lost sheep. Sin separates us from God, but Jesus died for our sins so we wouldn’t have to be separated from Him anymore. He wants to bring you back and see you secure in God’s arms.”
“Does it feel this safe there, Mama?” Lila asked.
Mama smiled. “There’s no safer place to be, because Jesus will never leave you. Once He’s found you, you’ll never be lost again.” • Michelle Isenhoff
How about you?
Are you lost? The Bible says sin has separated us from God. We need Jesus to find us—only He can save us from our sin. Scripture says heaven celebrates every time a lost sinner is found. What about you? Jesus wants to give you a home with Him forever. Has He found you, or are you still hiding? Trust in Him today so you won’t be lost anymore. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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