Daily Devotional for March 20, 2021
Look to the Ants

“What’s the matter, sis? Ants in your pants?” Daniel asked with a grin. At their campsite, Liz had stepped in the middle of an anthill and was frantically brushing the little creatures off.
“It’s not funny, Daniel,” Liz said as her mom helped her finish brushing the ants away.
Soon Liz and Mom went into the trailer, but Daniel and Dad continued to watch the ants. “An ant nest is like a little city where hundreds—or even thousands—of ants live,” said Dad.
“Look! Some of them are carrying leaves.” Daniel pointed at the busy anthill. “They’re moving twigs and other stuff too.” He grinned. “They’re hard at work. Do they have a boss like you do at your office?”
“No. They don’t need a boss,” Dad replied. “They just make the most of every opportunity to gather food before winter. They’re a good example for us.”
Daniel laughed. “So we should get busy and gather food for the winter too?”
“Not exactly,” Dad said with a smile, “but like the ants, we should be hard workers. When we work hard at the tasks God has given us to do, He uses our work to point people to Jesus and bring Him glory. Jesus was a hard worker too, you know. He did the hardest work of all—dying on the cross for our sins.” Dad paused, then asked, “What’s the opposite of a hard worker, Daniel?”
“Um…a lazy person?” Daniel suggested.
“Right. The Bible calls someone who avoids work a sluggard. I’d hate to hear someone use that word to describe me!”
“Yeah. So I guess I should get busy and gather firewood then,” Daniel said as he headed into the woods. “Maybe you should get busy and help me, don’t you think, Dad?”
Laughing, Dad followed. “Sure. I can help you with your job. After all, Jesus wants us to work together and help one another.”
After gathering some wood, Daniel asked, “It’s okay to rest and have fun though, right?”
“Of course,” Dad said. “Those are important parts of life too.”
“Good.” Daniel grinned. “Because I think it would be fun to race you back to camp!”
Dad took off toward the trailer. “I’ll rest while I wait for you to get there!” • Kelly Bean
How about you?
Do you glorify Jesus through your work? When you study for a test, clean your room, and help with tasks around the house or at school or church, do you do it with a good attitude? Whether it’s homework, chores, or watching younger siblings, God has provided you with certain jobs to do so you can bring Him glory and show others His love. Do all your work for Him.
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