Daily Devotional for July 20, 2019
Look Alikes

“You look just like your father when you do that,” Grandma told Lance.
“When I do what?” asked Lance.
“When you laugh the way you just did,” Grandma answered. “You look and sound so much like him.”
“I do?” Lance jumped up and raced to the bathroom to gaze into the mirror. He studied his reflection from every angle and tried repeating the laugh that had caught his grandmother’s attention.
“It doesn’t work,” he said when he returned a few moments later. “I can’t make myself laugh like that. Besides, even when I’m not laughing, people always say I look like Dad.”
“You do,” said Grandma, “but when you do certain things, the resemblance is even stronger.” She smiled as she sat down on the sofa. “All of us should look like our Father.”
“Hey!” Lance’s sister, Sage, frowned. “Everybody says I look like Mom. What’s wrong with that?”
Grandma laughed. “That’s good too, but I was thinking about our heavenly Father. The Bible says we’re made in God’s image, but we look even more like Him when we do certain things.”
“Like when we do good stuff?” asked Sage.
“And when we’re nice to everybody and helpful?” Lance added.
“Exactly,” said Grandma. “Our resemblance to our heavenly Father is stronger when we follow the example of His Son, Jesus, who is the embodiment of God’s character. When we trust Him to save us from sin, the Holy Spirit works in our lives to make us holy so others can see that we belong to God. He helps us love and treat others the way Jesus did.”
Lance looked at his sister. “Don’t worry, Sage. I think you look like both Mom and our heavenly Father.” Sage gave Lance a surprised glance, and he laughed.
“There,” said Grandma, “you did it again!”
“Did what?” asked Lance.
“You looked just like your father.”
Lance grinned. “Which one, Grandma? God or Dad?”
Grandma’s eyes twinkled. “Both.” Bob Hostetler
How about you?
Would anyone say you look like your Father—your heavenly Father, that is? You resemble Him when you follow the example of His Son, Jesus. If you’re a Christian, the Holy Spirit is working in your life to help you treat others with the love and kindness Jesus showed everyone. What can you do today to show others that you are a child of God?
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