Daily Devotional for November 20, 2020
Lonely at Home
“Micah,” Mom called, “it’s time for dinner. Pause your game and come downstairs.” When Micah trudged into the kitchen, his eyes were puffy and red. His mom looked him up and down. “Micah, you’ve been alone in your room a lot this week.
Is everything okay?”
Micah shrugged. “There’s not really anyone to talk to, so I just play my game.”
“I know social distancing has made it more difficult to spend time with friends,” said Mom. “And sometimes phone calls and messages aren’t enough. It can be easier to just isolate ourselves, but that’s not what God wants for us.”
“God doesn’t like me being in my room?” asked Micah.
“It’s not that—it’s that He doesn’t want you to be lonely. Having community with others is a big part of being a Christian, and that’s been especially difficult these past few months.”
“Oh,” said Micah. “I guess I didn’t realize I was lonely.”
“It’s like your game,” Mom said. “Usually you’re on a team that works together to complete the missions. But if you’re trying to complete the mission by yourself, it’s a lot harder as a single player. It can get frustrating not to have your team there with you—and that’s goes for your team of fellow Christians too.”
“But how do I see people when we’re supposed to social distance? Last week I wanted Brady to come over, but his parents said no.”
Mom hummed. “That’s the tricky part, isn’t it? Well, we know for one thing that Jesus is always with us. So even though we may feel lonely, we’re never truly alone. We can always spend time with Him. But He also wants us to spend time in community with other Christians.”
“Like my Sunday school group?” asked Micah.
“Yes, exactly! The early church had a really strong group too. They all lived together and shared what they had with each other. Community was a big deal to them. They knew they needed it to show people God’s love and to encourage one another in hard times.”
“So, how do I have community now?” asked Micah.
“Let’s start by scheduling a video chat with Brady,” said Mom. “And then let’s pray that God would show us other ways to create community in these difficult times.” • Naomi Vroegop
How about you?
Have you felt lonely these past few months? Maybe you wanted to go over to a friend’s house and couldn’t. Or maybe a group you belong to hasn’t been meeting. When we face challenges, it’s important to have the love and support of our Christian community. Even though you may not be able to meet normally right now, you can still encourage one another. How can you reach out to your community today?
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