Daily Devotional for March 16, 2020
Living in Harmony

Tyrone blasted his trumpet in frustration. He still was having a hard time playing the song for the upcoming school concert. “Ugh,” he grumbled to himself. “Why doesn’t this sound right?”
“Ty? Are you okay in there?” his mom called out from the kitchen.
Tyrone’s older brother, Marcus, beat him to the reply. “Well, his trumpet playing is definitely not okay! Is that a trumpet in there or an obnoxious duck?”
Mom gave Marcus a stern look. Before she could correct him for his unkind comment, Tyrone burst out of the room and slugged his brother in the shoulder.
“Hey! Cut that out!” yelled Marcus as he went to retaliate with a slug of his own.
“Boys!” Mom quickly separated her two sons and stood between them with a firm hand on each of their shoulders. “This kind of behavior and attitude is unacceptable. Do you know what Jesus prayed for the night before he died on the cross to pay for our sins? That His followers would live in unity—in peace with one another. When the two of you get along, you reflect the love of Jesus. Your kind conversation is music to my ears! But your current attitudes are way off-key.”
Tyrone sighed and turned to his brother. “I’m sorry I hit you, Marcus.”
“Me too,” said Marcus. “And I’m sorry I said you sounded like an obnoxious duck.”
“Yeah, well, I know I don’t sound great,” Tyrone replied. “I’m just so frustrated because I can’t get this one part in the song. Every time I play it at school with the band, it sounds like a train wreck.”
Mom looked down at the sheet music in Tyrone’s hand. She pointed to the key signature. “Did you remember that this note is down a half step? This part of the song is in B flat, not B natural.”
“Oh—that must be it! Thanks, Mom!”
Mom smiled. “Glad to help. And now that we fixed that situation, I hope the harmonies of the band music will remind both of you to live in harmony with each other.” Emily Rudolph
How about you?
Do your conversations and interactions with friends and family sound like beautiful music? Or are they full of yelling and arguing that’s unpleasant and off-key? Remember Jesus’ prayer for His followers—that we would be “one,” united in showing the world God’s love. Work together, play together, and live together with Christ’s love leading the way.
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