Daily Devotional for April 17, 2019
Little Owls’ Big Day

“Mom, look!” Ava pointed to a tree in the backyard. “The two owls we’ve seen have owlets. There are two on that limb and one in the tree hollow. They’re so cute!”
“It looks like they’re fledging, or learning to fly. We should go inside.”
They went into the house and watched from the window. “Oh no!” Ava said. “One of the owlets is hanging upside down and flapping its wings.”
“It’s trying to get back on the branch,” Mom said.
“Oh, now it’s only hanging by one foot. Hang on, baby owl!” Ava grabbed binoculars but couldn’t find the owlet on the branch. “Where are you?” she whispered. Finally, she spotted the owlet. “Now it’s on the ground looking around. Maybe it’s scared. Can I go out and make sure it’s okay?”
“No, we need to leave it alone.” As Mom said that, an adult owl flew to a nearby branch. “See, the parents are staying close to their babies.”
Ava watched the owlet move on the ground. It came onto the deck and leaped off out of sight. She looked outside every few minutes, hoping to see it again.
“Mom, it’s been a while. Can I go look outside?”
“Let’s go together.”
They went outside and looked around, but there were no owlets in sight.
“I see one of the parents in that tree.” Ava pointed.
“It knows where the babies are, so let’s leave them alone,” said Mom.
“The way the mama and daddy owls are watching the owlets reminds me of how God watches over us,” Ava said as they went back inside.
“That’s right,” said Mom. “God’s Word tells us that He watches over sparrows, and not one of them falls to the ground without Him knowing. And He also watches over us. Because Jesus died to save us, we’re always safe and secure in Him, even when bad things happen. He’s always with us and watching out for us.”
When Dad came home, Ava brought him outside to show him where the owlets had been during the day.
“Look,” Dad said, pointing up at the tree. “Two owlets.”
Mom joined them. “I just saw an owlet sitting on a branch high above the tree hollow.”
“That’s all three,” Ava said. “It’s been a big day for little owls!”
How about you?
Have you ever watched a baby learn to walk? Or a baby bird learn to fly? They need someone to watch every move they make to help them learn and to keep them from getting hurt. Jesus watches over us in the same way. He’s always with us and helps us through difficult times. Trust Him to watch over you and keep you safe.
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