Daily Devotional for December 3, 2022
Like an Eagle

Kaia dropped her backpack on the kitchen table and sat down with a big smile. “We saw a great video in science today!”
Kaia’s mom looked up from her bill paying. “What was it about?”
“Eagles.” Kaia showed her mom a large color photo of a bald eagle. The white-headed bird of prey looked to be floating on air, its wings stretched out like the wings of a jet. “Mr. Thompson gave us all a print of this eagle. Isn’t it beautiful?”
“It sure is,” Mom agreed.
Kaia was excited to share what she’d learned. “June 20 is National American Eagle Day. In 1782, the bald eagle was made a symbol of the United States.”
Mom closed her computer. “They’re certainly one of God’s amazing animals.”
“Did you know that their wingspan can be up to seven and a half feet long?” Kaia didn’t wait for an answer. “The video said eagles spend their first four years exploring the country, traveling hundreds of miles before they settle down to have a family. And listen to this! When they dive to catch their food, which is mostly fish, they can move up to a hundred miles per hour!”
“Wow! I didn’t know they were that fast,” said Mom. “But I do remember reading in the Bible that eagles are swift and strong.”
“The Bible talks about eagles?” asked Kaia.
Mom nodded. “Many verses mention eagles. After God brought His people out of Egypt, He gave Moses a song to teach the Israelites. In this song, God compares Himself to an eagle protecting its chicks with its wings.”
Kaia was impressed. “So the eagle isn’t just fast and strong. It’s a protector too!”
“That’s right. And like an eagle, Jesus covers us with His love and grace. In the book of Revelation, the eagle is also one of four creatures surrounding God’s throne, singing, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!’”
“We sing that in church,” said Kaia. “So, God is like an eagle because He protects us, and we can be like eagles by worshiping Him. I guess God wants all His creation to worship Him!”
“He does,” said Mom. “Now and forever!”
-Bonnie Carr
How about you?
What’s your favorite animal? All God’s creatures are magnificent and purposeful in their own ways. But did you know that all were created for God? When Jesus comes back to rule, and when heaven is established on earth, all God’s creatures will rejoice and serve Him in their own way. Today, take some time to worship God and marvel at His creation. Thank Him for covering you with wings like an eagle.
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