Daily Devotional for July 25, 2017
Like a Badger (Part 2)

“I heard the kids’ choir at church is holding auditions next week,” Mom said
as Caleb set the table for dinner. “Why don’t you try out? I know how much you love to sing, and they could sure use you.”
Caleb shrugged. “I’m sure those kids are way better than me, so why bother? I’ll just stick to singing in the shower.”
“I found out more about badgers,” Kate announced after they had sat down to dinner. “Have you ever heard of a honey badger?”
“No, but I’m guessing it’s called a honey badger because it likes honey,” said Caleb.
“Right!” said Kate. “The honey badger has a bird friend called a honey guide. When the honey guide finds a beehive full of honey, it leads the way to it. Then the honey badger uses its claws to break open the hive and eat the honey.”
“Does the honey guide get some of the honey too?” asked Caleb. Kate shook her head. “Well, that’s not a very hospitable thing to do!” said Caleb. “The honey badger should share.”
“But the honey guide doesn’t want the honey,” said Kate. “It wants the beeswax and the bees’ eggs and larvae in the honeycomb, and that’s what the honey badger leaves behind.”
“Interesting,” said Mom. “So each one helps the other, and by helping each other they both benefit.”
“That’s a lot like what we’re supposed to do as Christians,” said Dad. “Just like the bird is able to locate honey and the honey badger is able to get it out, God has blessed us with different talents and abilities, and He wants us to use them to help others and point them to Jesus. When we don’t use our gifts to benefit others, everyone misses out—both us and the people who would have been blessed by them.”
Caleb sighed. “You’re talking about me trying out for the kids’ choir, aren’t you?” He put down his fork. “Okay, maybe I’ll give it a try—I wouldn’t want to keep a gift God gave me to bless others with all to myself. And I might make new friends and learn more about music too. That sounds way better than just singing in the shower!”
– Tanya Ferdinandusz
How about you?
What special talents, skills, or abilities has God given you? Are you using them to help others and point them to Jesus—or are you just keeping them all to yourself? God gave you those gifts so you could use them to benefit others—and they have gifts that you’ll benefit from too! Share your gifts so they can help others and bring glory to God.
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