Daily Devotional for March 20, 2022
Light of the World

Daniella slipped out of bed and tiptoed down the hall to Astrid’s room. By the soft glow of a night-light, she could see the blanket-covered lump of her older sister. Astrid snored softly. Daniella climbed onto her bed and crawled under the covers.
“What scared you this time?” Astrid asked in a sleepy voice.
“My night-light isn’t working, and it’s really dark in my room.” Daniella shivered.
“Do you want to know what I do when I’m scared?” Astrid turned to face her sister.
“Sing?” Daniella guessed. Astrid knew all the words to the newest songs.
Astrid laughed. “Well, that helps, but not as much as when I pray.”
“What do you pray for?”
“I ask Jesus to help me remember that He is my light. In the Bible, Jesus said He is the light of the world.”
Daniella snuggled up closer to her sister. “But Jesus won’t really shine a light into my bedroom, will He?”
“He’ll do even better,” said Astrid. “He will remind you that His light shines in your heart. Then you will know He is always with you and, no matter how dark it is, you don’t have to be scared.”
When morning came, Daniella forgot all about her nighttime fears. She didn’t even remember to change the bulb in her night-light. But the next night, a noise woke Daniella up, and her room was pitch black. Why didn’t I ask Mom to change that lightbulb? she thought as she pulled the covers close around her.
Daniella thought about rolling out of bed and sneaking into her sister’s room. Then she remembered what Astrid had said. So Daniella decided to pray. “Please, Jesus, I need Your light. Help me know you’re with me.”
The room stayed dark and scary, but Daniella kept praying. “Jesus is the Light of the World. Jesus is the Light of the World. Jesus is the Light of the World…” Soon she was asleep.
The next morning, Astrid asked Daniella how her night went.
“Well,” said Daniella, “at first I was scared, but then I talked to Jesus and fell asleep!”
Astrid smiled. “It’s good to know that the Light of the World is always with us!”
-Bonnie Carr
How about you?
Are you ever frightened by the dark? Do you imagine scary things lurking in the shadows? Do you know that Jesus is the source of all light, all goodness? Jesus shines brightly in all the dark spaces. His light has defeated darkness, and if you trust Him as your Savior, He is always with you. When you feel afraid, talk to Him. Listen to what He says in His Word, the Bible. Remember that His light is always shining on you.
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