Daily Devotional for June 18, 2020
Light in the Darkness

Thunder crashed loudly, and Raya gasped as the lights blinked once and then everything went black. “Oh no!” Garrett exclaimed. “The storm knocked out our power. What dowe do now, Dad?”
“Don’t move,” Dad told them. “I’ll go find some candles.”
“I’ll come too.” Garrett jumped up, took one step, and stumbled over something. “Ow!” he howled as he got up and sank back into his seat.
Soon Dad returned with a lighted candle in each hand. “There—how’s that?” Dad carefully set the candles down on the coffee table. “Now we can see again.”
“This is nice,” said Mom, leaning back in her chair. “I like candlelight.”
“Well, it’s not very bright,” said Garrett, “but it’s better than the dark.” He rubbed his foot. “Now I see what I tripped over—a book that fell on the floor.”
Raya, who had been reading before the power went out, leaned toward the candles to see better, but then put down her book. “It’s still pretty dark for reading. I’m glad we don’t have to use candlelight all the time, like they did hundreds of years ago.”
“I am too,” Dad agreed. “But even today people live in the dark.”
“They do?” Garrett asked. “You mean, like blind people?”
“Actually, I was thinking of people living in the darkness of sin. That’s much
worse than physical blindness,” said Dad. “If we’ve never seen the light of Jesus in our lives, we often think everything is just fine. But it really isn’t. The darkness keeps us from seeing clearly.”
“Like I couldn’t see anything on the floor tonight,” said Garrett. “I thought I could walk out of here, but I tripped as soon as I took a step.”
Mom nodded. “The good news is that no one has to stay in the dark. Jesus is the light of the world, and He offers His light to anyone who will trust in Him. His light is much more powerful than this candlelight.” As she spoke, the lights suddenly came back on and lit up the room.
“All right!” exclaimed Raya. “No more darkness here tonight!” LYNNE M. LEPLEY
How about you?
Do you have the light of Jesus in your life? Has it shown you that you’re a sinner in need of the forgiveness He offers? Or do you think you’re doing just fine on your own? If so, you’re walking in the dark. You need Jesus. He wants to come into your life and take away the darkness of sin. Invite Him in today. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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