Daily Devotional for December 6, 2022
Light and Truth (Part 2)

“Why would God do that? Why would He send His Son to die?” Arjun wiped powdered sugar from the kalkal he had just eaten off his face.
Reeja smiled brightly, glad to have a chance to tell her friend why her family celebrated Christmas instead of Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights many of their neighbors celebrated. “Because God loves us that much! The sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, would bring eternal life to whoever believes in Him.”
“That’s wonderful, but I feel bad for Jesus,” Arjun murmured.
Reeja’s eyes sparkled. “Arjun, Jesus is alive! After He died for our sins, He rose from the dead three days later—the Bible says so.”
“And you believe this? That must take a lot of faith!”
Reeja shrugged. “I just know I have been called out of darkness into the light. When we are without Jesus, we are in the dark. He is the light of the world, and whoever trusts in Him has the light of life.”
Arjun’s forehead wrinkled in contemplation. “Does it say this in the Bible? Could you show me?”
Reeja pulled her Bible off the table, powdered sugar fingerprints dusting the cover. She flipped to John 8:12. “You see how these words are printed in red? These are the words of Jesus. Here, read them.”
Arjun read softly, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Reeja pointed to another verse on the same page. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free,” she read.
“Truth is important to Hindus,” Arjun said. “I will have to think about what I’ve read and what we’ve discussed today. It’s fascinating!”
Reeja rose from her chair and stretched. “I’ll be praying for you, Arjun. Anytime you want to talk more about Jesus’s victory of light over darkness, I’m here. Now, do you want to help me finish decorating the Christmas crib?”
“I would, but I’m going to see my cousins today, so I’d better get home.” Arjun headed for the door, then turned back. “Thank you for today. If kalkal is involved, I’ll come over again tomorrow!”
Reeja laughed and handed Arjun the last fried pastry on the plate. “I hope this will satisfy your craving until then!”
-Savannah Coleman
How about you?
Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for you? The Bible says everyone has sinned and we need a Savior. So God sent His perfect Son as a baby in a manger to meet that need. Jesus died for our sins and then rose again, and He gives His truth and light to all who trust in Him. Have you come out of darkness into the light? If not, trust in Him today! (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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