Daily Devotional for February 20, 2021
Life Is Short

“Look at that bumper sticker.” Grant pointed ahead. “It says, ‘Life is short, and then you die.’” Grant looked at his mother. “Is that supposed to be funny?”
“Maybe—but it’s not funny,” said Mom. “It does make a point though. Remember all the cicadas that were around last summer?”
“Those big bugs that were kind of like grasshoppers, but with big wings?” Grant asked. “The ones that were always making a lot of noise?” He laughed. “They were always flying into people too.”
Mom nodded. “They show up every seventeen years,” she said. “At my high school graduation party, they got into our clothes and in our hair! It wasn’t a very fun party. But the cicadas don’t last very long. They live for only about six weeks.”
“Sounds like that bumper sticker could apply to them,” observed Grant. “Like it says, their lives are short, and then they die. But when you said the bumper sticker makes a point, you weren’t talking about cicadas, were you?”
“No. A cicada’s life is very short compared to the lives of most people, but in a way, our lives are just as short. Take your great-grandmother, for instance. She’s ninety-eight years old.”
“Yeah—she’s lived a really long time!” Grant said.
“It seems that way to us, but ninety-eight years is only a short time to God, who is eternal,” said Mom. “James 4:14 says, ‘What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.’”
“So…the bumper sticker is right,” said Grant thoughtfully. “We live for just a short time, and then we die.”
“But that bumper sticker is missing something, don’t you think?” asked Mom.
Grant nodded. “When we die, we go to be with Jesus. We have eternal life with Him, even though our bodies die.”
“Right,” said Mom. “For those who trust in Jesus, death is not the end. We will live with Him for ever and ever—and He’s going to give us new bodies one day too! We don’t have to fear death—or even a short life—because Jesus promises us eternity with Him.” • Sally A. Kerber
How about you?
Do you know someone who’s lived a really long time? No matter how old they are, their life is like a vanishing mist when compared to eternity. Our lives on earth are short, but that doesn’t mean we have to fear death. Jesus was willing to die Himself so we could be saved and have eternal life. Trust Him as your Savior so you can spend eternity with Him. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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