Daily Devotional for April 25, 2024
Life Insurance

“Hey, Dad!” Eleanor said as she bounced into the den. “What are you doing?”
Dad looked up from the papers on his desk and smiled at Eleanor. “Just going through some paperwork. How was school?”
“All right,” Eleanor replied. “I got a B on my science test today.” She paused, and after a moment, frowned. “Is your paperwork for that insurance stuff you were talking about with Mom? I overheard you talking about it when I was studying yesterday, but I don’t understand what it means.”
Dad shifted in his chair. “It’s called life insurance,” he began. “If something happened to me and I died, Mom would need money to pay for my funeral and to take care of you. She wouldn’t be able to pay for all that herself. But with life insurance, the insurance company helps pay for everything.”
“Oh,” Eleanor said, turning the idea over in her mind. Suddenly, a thought struck her. “Are you getting this insurance because you’re sick?” she asked. “I don’t want you to die—we’d never be together again!”
“It’s all right, Eleanor, I’m not sick,” Dad said, giving her a hug. “But even if I did die, it doesn’t mean you’d never see me again. Life insurance can only help pay for things on earth when someone dies, but I have the assurance of eternal life with Jesus, who paid a much greater cost—He died to pay the price of my sin. Because I trust in Him, I know that I’ll go to heaven to be with Him when I die, and one day He will raise me from the dead! No life insurance company could ever promise anything as good as that,” Dad said, pointing to the papers on his desk. “Do you have the assurance of eternal life too, Eleanor? Have you trusted Jesus as your Savior? If so, then you and I will be together with Him forever.”
“I’ve heard a lot about trusting in Jesus at church, but I—I guess not,” Eleanor stammered. “Will you help me pray so I can tell Him I want to do
that now, Dad?”
“Absolutely,” Dad replied, and they both bowed their heads.
– Ethan Denny
How about you?
Do you have the assurance of eternal life with Jesus? The price of your sin is too high for you to pay, but Jesus paid it for you when He died on the cross. When you trust Him as your Savior, He promises you eternal life with Him. Trust in Him today and know that you’ll live with Him forever! (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page or go to www.keysforkids.org/goodnews.)
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